You Deserve This | Febuwhump Day 19

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Heyo, human beings from outer space! 

I had this part done like a week ago, but I had to put it on YouTube, too, and I got busy and didn't record it. and then the next day I choked on a supplement pill thingy and it really hurt my throat and my voice sounded horribleso I didn't record it then. THEN I spent a while being depressed because I got allergy tested and it turns out I'm allergic to life. AND THEN I had to run what felt like a thousand miles and watch a bit of bad batch because the Frog spoiled something and now I'm mad. But I finally found time, which is why you are reading this right now! 

Today's prompt is "You Deserve This" and was requested by I_Am_Snips.

Here's a link to Youtube:

Read on if you dare.

Echo whacked at a tree branch with a half-groan, half-snarl, and it swung back to slap him in the face. With a yelp, Echo stumbled back to hold his face. Ahsoka suppressed an amused snort and Echo parted his fingers to glare at her.

"Think this is funny, do you? How about you get your face ripped in half by a tree branch," Echo said, but Ahsoka could hear the well-hidden amusement in his voice. They both knew that getting punched by a tree was something that would happen to Fives, not Echo.

Ahsoka glanced back at the branch that Echo'd fought with. She frowned at it, realizing just how spiky it was.

"Let me see, Echo," Ahsoka said, the humor vanishing from her voice.

Echo, for a moment, looked as though he wasn't going to comply, but then he lowered his hands and Ahsoa grimaced. The branch had torn jagged lines of skin across his face, and shallow as the cuts were, they dripped with blood and shone with red irritation.

"Let's finish up this mission so you can get those cleaned up," Ahsoka said. She turned on her heel, igniting her lightsaber, and thrashed at the thick shrubbery to clear a path. Anakin had sent the two of them on a simple scouting mission, which proved to be a lot less simple given that they were stuck in the middle of a thick forest and couldn't see much.

"This is no use, Commander," Echo sighed. "It's going to take us hours to get a mile, and we have to scout the whole area."

Ahsoka paused, then clicked off her lightsaber and put it on her belt. He was right. She turned and looked around at the towering trees, which she knew they would never be able to see through. They were thick with branches and so tall and–

Ahsoka's eyes blew wide with an idea. Tall.

"I'm climbing that tree," Ahsoka said, nodding in the direction. "Don't go anywhere."

"Like there's anywhere to go," Echo snorted after her. Ahsoka ignored him, jogging over to the tree and heaving herself onto the trunk. She hopped from branch to branch, swinging herself higher and higher on the tree until she perched on a sturdy branch towards the top.

Ahsoka squinted around, looking through the trees for any sign of separatists. As her eyes panned the scene, she caught movement in her peripheral vision and her attention snapped aside to see battle droids. A whole lot of them. Marching straight for Echo.

Ahsoka frantically shrieked out a warning to Echo, which he didn't completely hear, just before a small explosion rocked the ground. Echo stumbled just in time for blaster shots to zip through the trees and pelt toward him.

Frantic now, Ahsoka turned and quickly began dropping several branches at a time. She felt the ground rock and lost her balance, sending her flailing for a tree branch as she cut rapidly through the air. She grabbed a branch, scraping her hands raw, and from there, jumped safely to the ground, only to recoil with a squeak at the sight of Echo. He'd been thrown aside, his leg wedged beneath a boulder and a gash over his temple streaming with blood. The droids advanced on him, their metal feet beating the ground in unison.

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