So, so Dead | Febuwhump Day 8

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Heyo, human beings from outer space. 

I am bound and determined to catch up. And no, don't worry, I'm not actually killing anyone. Maybe Kix is, but he's a medic, so you'll never know. 

Anywayyy I've been busy pretty much all day but now maybe I'll be able to crank out another fic. 

Read on if you dare. 

"Yep, just as I suspected," Kix said with a sigh, stepping back from Ahsoka so she could relax from her tense spot on her cot and close her mouth. "You're going to have to avoid talking until that heals."


"No talking, Commander," Kix interrupted, "unless you don't want to lose your voice permanently."

Ahsoka shook her head. That would bring being a Commander to a whole new level of difficulty.

"You have Laryngitis," Kix said, turning to grab something from the counter.


"Hey, no speaking!" Kix snapped.

Ahsoka clamped her mouth shut and bit down on the inside of her lips. Right. No talking.

"That's why your voice has been breaking and hurting for the past few days. Your voice box is swollen, so now you have to put as little strain possible on it to keep it from becoming worse," Kix explained.

"So how–"

"Commander Tano, I swear–" Kix cut himself with a frustrated groan. "Don't make me sew your lips shut."

Ahsoka slapped her hands over her mouth and kept them there.

"You can communicate using sign language, which you only know for war purposes, so that won't be helpful," Kix said, and Ahsoka frowned. "Or you can use this data pad and stylus pen to write out what you have to say."

Kix finished up with everything and handed Ahsoka what she needed. Ahsoka opened her mouth, but when Kix give her a stern look, she clamped it shut and scribbled out "Thank you" on the datapad.

"You're welcome, Commander, now get out of my med-bay."


"Hey, Tano!" Fives called from down the hallway, running to catch up with her. "What'd Kix say? Why do you sound so weird?"

Ahsoka opened her mouth but immediately closed it again and pulled out her datapad and stylus. She scribble out a short explanation of not being able to speak if she wanted to continue doing so for the rest of her life.

"Dang, that's rough," Fives said. "Anyway, I was going to the mess, you wanna come?"

Ahsoka nodded and skipped to his side, proceeding to the mess hall in silence.

When they reached the mess hall, Kix was sitting at one of the tables eating some of the grey mush served there. Ahsoka nearly jumped out of her skin. Did he teleport there?

Fives and Ahsoka headed over to get themselves something to eat.

"No caf, Commander," Kix shouted over to her without looking up. Ahsoka sent him a thumbs up, which he could probably see since he had eyes on the back of his head.

Ahsoka chose what she got to eat very carefully. If she ate something Kix didn't want her to, he'd kill her.

Fives and Ahsoka sat down and began to eat. They talked about this and that, Fives' voice echoing around the mostly-empty mess hall and Ahsoka scribbling out what she wanted to say on her datapad. She wanted to speak so badly, but she kept herself in check. One wrong move and she was dead.

The conversation turned funny and Ahsoka was trying with all she was worth not to laugh. The sweat beaded on her brow as she felt the tension to laugh build in her chest. She covered her mouth. She could not laugh.

Well, Ahsoka must not be worth very much. She couldn't hold in her laughter any longer. With one last struggling squeak, she burst into laughter.

And Kix raised himself from the bench like a zombie coming up from a grave.


Ahsoka grabbed her datapad and made a break for the vents.

She was dead. She was so, so dead.


Word Count: 607

Published: February 17, 2023

Oi, my head hurts. 

Anywayyyy thanks to all the requests that everyone's been giving me, and I'm trying to fit those in with the Febuwhump prompts, so I'll have those out soon. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have an idea. 

Bye, peoples! 

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