Casually Almost Died | Febuwhump Day 13

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I'm pretty sure that this technically wouldn't count as a whump thing 'cause the prompt is something about hurting a loved one and... yeah I did that for three seconds and it's not even that relevant. 

I don't care. I had sooooo much fun writing this and I'm counting it and publishing it no matter what.

This was requested by quackquack830

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka blinked her eyes open to the sigh of golden sunrays spilling through the blinds and lighting up an unknown room. She inhaled deeply– a florescent, dainty scent filling her nose– and exhaled with the same leisure. She didn't care to worry about where she was because she had a feeling she knew.

"Good morning, Snips," Anakin said, opening the door of the room. Ahsoka sat up and cracked her neck.

"Morning, Master?" she said. "I thought it was afternoon?"

"Yeah, but it turns out that you were hiding another injury. And that stuff like... passing out, sleeping forever, and being so dead to the world that no one can wake you up... it tends to pass the time." Anakin said. "A lot happened since then, Snips."

"What?" Ahsoka frowned. "How did you find out about that injury?"

"You aren't as good at acting as you think you are," Anakin said with a sigh.

"But I thought I was doing so good this time! I was acting very natural and casual!"

"Yeah," Anakin scoffed. "The way you collapsed and started bleeding out on the floor was very nonchalant."

Ahsoka glared at him and he chuckled, despite the darkness in his eyes.

"Why are we here, anyway, Master?" Ahsoka said, changing the subject.

"I told you, a lot happened after you causally passed out," Anakin said with a smirk.

"Stop it," Ahsoka groaned. "I'm sorry, okay? Just tell me what happened. Please."

"Well, Master Windu happened to see you acting all unpretentious and everything as you bled out on the floor–"


"--and he decided that you needed a meditative leave and time to 'get your head on straight.' They put both of us on leave."

"So now we're here?" Ahsoka finished for him, and he nodded. "Where is here anyway– wait, wait, no, let me guess first." She thought for a moment. "This place is giving me Senator Amidala vibes."

"Vibes, Ahsoka?"

"Leave me alone," Ahsoka pouted. "Am I right or not?"

"You're right," Anakin said. "We're at one of senator Amidala's vacation cabins on Naboo."

"How'd we get here?"

"Uh, a ship, Ahsoka. Did you think we walked? Maybe we should get you checked for a concussion, too," Anakin said.

"No, Master, I mean how'd you get me here without me knowing?"

"You were out cold. It was like trying to wake the dead, so I just hauled you on, flew here, and hauled you off. You didn't even stir," Anakin said.

Ahsoka hummed and looked around the room. "This place is really nice."

"Yeah, and you know the best part of it?" Anakin asked, smirking. "The Senator that came with it."

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