Modern AU

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

*heavy sigh* I know, I just couldn't help myself. I like Modern AUs, so you get to read one. If you don't like it, skip it. 

Read on if you dare. 

Anakin Skywalker trudged towards the apartment complex in which he and his brother lived. He pushed his way slowly through the city of Coruscant towards home.

Coruscant was always busy. The streets always bustled with cars, the stores always had business with customers, and the sidewalks were always crammed with people. Only the dusty alleyways between buildings that cast shadows remind mostly clear, other than a few homeless people.

That's why what he saw next surprised him.

A group of three children came dashing out of an alleyway, cackling and sneering. They nearly plowed Anakin over as they barreled by.

"Hey, watch it!" Anakin wanted. None of the children even batted an eye.

Anakin swiftly considered the possibility of the children having just stolen from or poked fun at a homeless person. He took a few steps forward and looked down the dusty alleyway to find no homeless people in sight. He found something much worse.

He found an unconscious, broken, and bleeding girl, caked in dirt and mud.

His heart fluttered fearfully. She could be dead. Anakin zipped forward, checking the girl for a pulse. It was there.

Cautiously, he gathered her up in his arms and held her with a precise gentleness as if he was afraid she would shatter at any given moment. He was.

Anakin hastened to the apartment complex he shared with his brother. He took the elevator instead of the stairs and was hardly able to use the key card to open the door.

"Obi-Wan!" Anakin hollered, using his foot to push the door open. "I found a girl!"

"You already have a girlfriend, Anakin. You said she was the best girl you could ever have. Have you changed your mind and gone girl-crazy?" Obi-Wan called back from the kitchen.

"No, Obi-Wan, I found her on the street-"

"You're picking up homeless girls now?" Obi-Wan interrupted.

"No, she's really hurt. I think she's dying," Anakin finally spit out. "Come here."

Obi-Wan appeared from the kitchen and covered his mouth when he saw her. "Dear glory."

"We need to call a doctor," Anakin said frantically. "I'll go put her on my bed. She can stay there until we figure out where she lives."

"No, take her and put her on my bed," Obi-Wan instructed.

"Why?" Anakin cocked his head quizzically.

"Would you want to wake up in a random stranger's room, surrounded by half-finished computer projects and filthy, stinky clothes?" Obi-Wan challenged.

"Good point. I'll clean up my room so you can stay on the floor if you need to," Anakin started towards his brother's room.

"I don't know, that couch looks pretty hospitable..." Obi-Wan considered behind him, already headed towards the phone.

Anakin laid her gently on her back on Obi-Wan's white covers. He felt bad because the girl was covered in dirt, mud, and blood. But it hardly mattered then, and he was sure Obi-Wan wouldn't mind.

Obi-Wan joined him in his room once he had called the doctor. "Doctor Kix Fett will be here in a few minutes. He was very concerned when he heard she was a child."

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