A Crowded, Empty Cruiser

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Now that I've given you some happiness, I come bearing sadness. Normally, I can't do fics with sad endings, but this is about the saddest ending I have. 

Literally, I feel like it's a soul-shattering sadness if you know Ahsoka and the 501st. You'll get the gist as soon as you read the first line. But y'know, I'm just an overly dramatic human, so you judge for yourself and let me know. And without further ado...

Read on if you dare.

I'm sorry, Master, but I'm not coming back.

I'm sorry.

But I'm not coming back.

I'm not coming back.

Not coming back.

Not coming back.

Not coming back.

And she walked away without even looking back.

🪐 🪐 🪐

All the clones of the 501st, some of the 212th, and even some from the Wolf Pack held their breath as they watched the trial of Ahsoka Tano. They all cheered when Ahsoka was finally found innocent.

But then she never came back to the Resolute to eat the cake that Fives sloppily threw together (and probably charred under the mountain of frosting). She never came back to be hugged by every one of the clones or to just exist. She'd almost been given the penalty of death.

The General didn't come back for a long time. When he did come back, he looked haggard and much older than he had only a week– a simple 5 days– before.

The clones interrogated him nonetheless. They were able to get only the information that Ahsoka wasn't coming back. And that was enough.

Everyone was taken aback and lingered in disbelief, but Anakin was correct. Ahsoka didn't come back, and it took a toll on the entire Resolute and everyone in it. Her absence was worse than the blue shadow virus infecting the whole battalion.

Fives didn't joke as much, and when he did, it was only half-hearted. He always wilted just a little more when her high-pitched laughter didn't ring out and lighten the spirits as it was supposed to. He'd been in a similar condition when he lost Echo, but she'd been there for him then. Now with the both of them gone, Fives looked ready to crumble into a million pieces.

Jesse stopped talking so much. He didn't laugh anymore and avoided everyone... even his vode. He spent every waking moment in the training room and hardly ate.

Rex seemed to stop eating altogether and run on caf. He always had his mind occupied on a report or checking the barracks or making sure the new shinies were prepared.

Kix stopped sleeping. He kept himself busy in the med-bay. He hosted several medical crash courses and almost everyone attended, just to get their minds off things. The scariest part was when Fives started paying attention because he had never done that before then. But then again, before then, Ahsoka had been there to dink off with him.

All the clones spent every extra moment training relentlessly in the training room, but even that felt wrong. Ahsoka wasn't there to beat everyone else at sparring. Actually, the whole cruiser felt so empty and dreary.

A new bunch of shinies had joined the 501st and the barracks were a bit crowded, but they felt so empty without a certain Togruta. The mess hall was hushed. Hardly anyone spoke unless it was to ask to use equipment in the training room or an update on the General or if they were given a mission.

They were given a mission, and yet it felt as though they'd forgotten something back on Coruscant.

The battle was a bit rough, but it meant the men's minds weren't focused on their long-gone commander. They won the battle, and some of them had been so preoccupied that when they got back to base camp for their regular celebration, they scanned the area for their commander. Then they remembered that she was gone and their spirits dragged in the dirt.

There was no celebration.

Back on the Resolute, everything was unnervingly and uncharacteristically quiet. Not even the shinies dared to celebrate their first survived battle and victory.

Another battle came and went. As did several more. Slowly, everyone began to heal.

Kix slept more, Rex ate more, Fives joked more, Jesse spoke more, and the training rooms weren't so crowded. They began functioning as close to normal as they could.

If anyone asked, of course they had recovered! If anyone could read minds or even spend a few hours in transit with them, they weren't even close to recovery.

Because no matter how normal they acted, their heartache never dissipated.

And the Resolute was still a crowded, empty cruiser. 


Word Count: 857

Published: May 26, 2022

I'm thinkin' I'm kinda dramatic. Sorry if that was a let-down. I thought it was painful, maybe I'm just soft and can't write sadness. 🤣

Ooooh, I just got another "shatter your soul with sadness" kinda fic. Be prEpArEd. 

Anyone else just get "Lion King" songs stuck in their head? Just me? Okay. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples!

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