Reach For The Stars

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I feel like it's been forever since I last updated. 

So, I'm pretty sure the title of this story is a song. Or maybe like five songs. But I made up my own lyrics for my own song to put in this. It took me two minutes. I didn't put a whole lot of effort into the song. 

Anyways, I really don't know what this is. I wrote another gut punch story to publish a few days ago, but I decided not to publish that one yet because the previous story was a gut punch. I don't want to punch you in the gut two times in a row. 

So yeah. 

Read on if you dare. 

"Ben, stop flirting with the orphanage people and hurry up," Anakin whined.

"Anakin, you're sixteen, stop behaving like a child," Ben ordered before turning back to Mother Satine of the Shili Orphanage.

"I'm not acting like a child," Anakin pouted, crossing his arms and glaring at his older brother.

Ben didn't reply. He ignored Anakin and continued speaking with Satine.

Anakin grumbled and let out a very childish sigh. "Fine, I'll go... explore or something."

Once again, Ben didn't reply. Anakin kicked at the dusty ground and turned to a dim hallway. Ben had already dragged him down a few hallways, but the orphanage was larger and Anakin hadn't explored most of it.

In all honesty, Anakin found it sort of sad that a small town such as Shili had to have an entire orphanage. Actually, it had two: a girls' home (which he was at) and a boys' home. Anakin didn't know much about Shili, since he'd only been there twice, but he'd heard things about it. Shili wasn't a rich town. Quite the opposite, actually.

Anakin sighed again and turned down another hallway. A minimal amount of dust coated the floors and walls, and the building even smelled clean. Even with that observed, the building still felt very old.

Ugh, why couldn't Ben have at least chosen a boys' home? Why on Earth did he want to foster a girl? Why not a boy? Anakin didn't want a little girl with lip gloss and nail paint and frilly dresses. Bleh! He'd puke if he had to live with one of those girls.

A small, sweet sound wafted through the halls. Anakin stopped, trying to place that sound. It was soft enough that he couldn't tell what it was, but it was sweet enough that he couldn't help but follow it. He wanted to know what it was.

Anakin followed the sound down winding hallways. It got louder, then softer, then stopped. Anakin turned around and went back. The sound began again and he turned down a different hallway. It grew louder, then stopped. Anakin stopped, too.

The sound drifted through the halls again. Anakin groaned. It was playing games with him. He started walking down another hallway.

Music. The sound was music. A chorus of young voices.

Anakin turned down a final hall and the song became clear. He walked up to a door and stood before it.

In hand-written letters, a sign above the door read "Reach For The Stars Children's Choir". Children's small handprints decorated the sign.

"Reach for the Stars when the sky is dark

"Reach for the stars to make your mark

"Reach for the stars when there is no way

"Reach for the stars on each new day," the chorus of voices sang brightly.

"When the stars twinkle in the sky they are shining for you. For you and it's true. Reach for them: they shine for you. Believe in yourself, your time will come. Believe in yourself because the stars believe in you," a single voice solo rang out from the rest of the choir. Then the chorus of voices joined the solo singer and the song continued.

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