Anakin... What. The. Kriff.

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, before we do anything, this is important. I'm not going to be updating any of my books for about a week and a half after today, just so everyone knows. 

Okay, with that said, trigger warning for vomiting. 

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka was that close to slamming her head on her desk from all the algebra. She swore that if she got another problem wrong, she'd lose it.

So Ahsoka picked up her datapad and bookwork and went to find Anakin. He wasn't the greatest at math, but he promised to help her if she should ever need any. And if Anakin wasn't there, she could just ask Senator Amidala. They were good friends and the Jedi ended up rescuing the senator so she was on the Jedi Cruiser at the time.

Reaching Anakin's quarters, Ahsoka rapped lightly on the door. When there came no objection to her entering, Ahsoka palmed the door open and stepped inside, the door sliding shut behind her.

What she saw nearly made her vomit.

Anakin and Senator Amidala stood in the centre of the dark room, foreheads pressed together and lips attacking the others' lips.

Ahsoka's jaw dropped and her eyes blew wide, staring at the two making out in the dim light. Her airways tightened and her stomach churned uneasily. Slipping through her fingers, her datapad clattered to the floor loudly, the screen shattering.

This startled Anakin and the senator, their heads snapping to the source of the noise. And through Ahsoka's night vision, she watched the colour drain from both of their faces. She wouldn't doubt that she was equally as pale.

"Ahsoka, I can explain. I know you're thinking–"

"Anakin," Ahsoka breathed, interrupting him. She was in shock. "What. The. Kriff."

"It's not what you think!" Anakin insisted, his expression tightening. "What are you even doing in here? Why didn't you knock?"

"I did. I need help with my homework, so I came to ask you," Ahsoka's stomach turned again. "Please tell me I was seeing things."

"You were," Anakin insisted.

"Ani," Padmé put a hand on his chest, "we should tell her."

"Tell me what?" Ahsoka breathed, afraid to ask.

Padmé looked regretfully at Ahsoka. "Ahsoka, you were not seeing things–"

"I'm gonna be sick," Ahsoka groaned.

"Not in here, in the 'fresher!" Anakin shouted.

"She's fine," Padmé hushed Anakin. "Anakin and I have been in a... relationship ever since he was sent to protect me."

"You're dating?!" Ahsoka gaped at Anakin. "Anakin, when we became Jedi, we pledged to follow the rules! You just broke the code! How could you?! What else are you lying to me about?!"

"Ahsoka, please, calm down," Anakin begged.

"Calm down?!" Ahsoka demanded. "You want me to calm down?! And how do you expect me to do that, huh? I just found out that you've broken the code and lied to me about it for all the years I've been your padawan. You swore an oath and you broke it just like that. You've lied to me before, but not like this. How am I supposed to trust you anymore?!"

"Ahsoka, please—"

"I thought I could trust you. Apparently not. What else are you lying about to me, Anakin? What else are you hiding?!"

"I'll tell you everything, I promise," Anakin guided her to the bed to sit next to Padmé. "Ahsoka, you'd understand my reason for being in a relationship with Padmé if you knew the feeling of love like this. Don't worry, I'm not hiding any other secrets from you. Just this one... which is obviously not a secret anymore..." Anakin puffed out a long breath, choosing his words carefully.

"But Ahsoka," Padmé chimed in, "there's one more thing about our relationship. We're not dating..."

Ahsoka gave them a confused look. Were they siblings or something? Siblings didn't make out like that, though.

"...we're married."

And so Ahsoka rushed off to her quarters to scream into her sorry excuse of a pillow from the shock.

Anakin had a lot more explaining to do. A lot.


Word Count: 727

Published: July 9, 2022

Poor Ahsoka. I planned to write something supper happy, but here I go again, inflicting pain on Ahsoka. So sorry, Ahsoka, I promise I don't hate you.

Oh, and sorry that it's so short.

Requests are open, feel free to message me if you have any ideas/suggestions. 

Bye, peoples

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