Crimson, Scarlet, Ruby Red

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*kicks the door down*

Heyo, human beings from outer space! 

Featured today on literally no one cares (LNOC) I am sick and getting worse by the day. Almost passed out at one point today, and that felt really weird. 

This was requested by DyslexicRatt, who also sent me a super nice message so thanks for that :) And I thought I should add a trigger warning for blood and some violence, because Anakin kills a lot in this, but it's not graphic. 

Read on if you dare. 

Anakin stood anxiously in the hangar as the ship Ahsoka had taken younglings on glided in. It touched down, hissing, and moments later the ramp lowered. Six little younglings came stumbling down. They chattered lively– almost feverishly– and the human boy leading the group was especially energetic. He waved his arms about in huge gestures, nearly smacking his fellow younglings in the act.

He'd been informed that the younglings had encountered pirates during their journey and that they'd called for help, but they looked perfectly fine to him; All childish energy and adrenaline rush.

Obi-Wan and Cody, who'd gone off to rescue them, came down after the younglings looking drained. Anakin expected Ahsoka to trail behind them, dragging her feet and looking even more tired, but she never came.

The Force sent ripples of uneasiness through him and he stalked toward the group. "Where's my padawan?" he asked before he'd even finished approaching.

The younglings all turned to face him at his voice, and when their eyes fell on his face, they gaped stupidly up at him.

"M-master Skywalker," stuttered the human boy at the front. "Uh, what are you doing here?"

"I've come for my padawan," Anakin replied, irritation seeping into his tone. Children could be so stupid sometimes, didn't they just hear what he said?

They all looked terrified then, not just in awe of who they were seeing. Worry twisted Anakin's gut. What happened to Ahsoka? He would've felt if she died, but with a start, he realized that she wasn't there. Not on the ship or anywhere he could sense.

"Obi-Wan, where's Ahsoka?" Anakin asked through gritted teeth.

Obi-Wan held up a hand tiredly and asked Cody to take the youngling to the med-bay so they could be checked over.


"She's not here, Anakin."

"I can see that!" Anakin snapped. "Where is she?"

Obi-Wan dragged his palms down his face. "She was taken by pirates."

Anakin's heart dropped and his fists clenched. Why did he get the feeling that this had something to do with Hondo? When Anakin said it aloud Obi-Wan sighed.

"It was Hondo," Obi-Wan said, "but don't go rushing in or do anything stupid before– Anakin, no! Anakin, come back!"

But Anakin was already gone.


The second they touched down on Florrum, Anakin was sprinting toward the pirates' gathering. He heard the loud music and drunken cries of laughter before he saw anything.

He cut down the guards in the front, forced his way inside, and saw red. Crimson, scarlet, ruby red. Red and Tusken Raiders, ghostly and screaming as they raced away from him. The ones that he'd killed so long ago on Tattoine after his mother-- after she died. He swung his saber, blinded by red.

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