Give Me a Leg and Hold My Hand | Febuwhump Day 26

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Lookie here I'm still going strong and it's already day three. Three days in a row, whoohoo!

This was requested by and the prompt is "Forced to Choose"

Read on if you dare.

Ahsoka didn't know what was happening. One minute, everything was fine, and she was fighting in a battle on a typical afternoon in the great, war-ridden galaxy. But then the next minute, all she could see was blue and all she could feel was white-hot, blinding pain. There was screaming, shouting, hands on her face.

She just wished everyone would shut up and go away so she could figure out what was happening. She tried to blink, tried to see, but everything was a suspicious tint of red.

And then a sharp pain ripped through her and she couldn't fight any longer as the darkness finally dragged her under.


Ahsoka knew the feeling. The feeling of fighting nail and tooth just to wake up could only mean one thing: strong painkillers. Very strong painkillers. Lots of very strong painkillers.

Every time Ashoka almost made it to the surface, almost opened her eyes, it dragged her down again and she had to wait idly to regain enough energy to try and wake herself.

Finally, finally, she could feel again. She could feel her lungs filling with and puffing out air, she could feel her eyes twitching.

And then she finally mustered up all her strength and managed to drag her eyes open to find herself in the Halls of Healing. Anakin was there, by her side, as he always was. So was Obi-Wan, which also was expected. Then there was Rex. Not so expected, but not so uncommon, either. But what had Ahsoka's insides twisting with panic was the woman sitting on the other side of the bed, the woman that normally made her whole day brighter when they saw each other. Padme

If Padme was there, that meant something was wrong. Very wrong.

"Hey, Ahsoka," Anakin said in his gentlest of tones. "How're you feeling?"

"What happened? What's going on?" Ahsoka croaked out in a panic. "Something's wrong. Am I going to die?"

"No, no, of course not," Anakin said. "You think I'd be this calm if you were about to die?"

Okay, he had a point.

"Then what's happening?" Ahsoka said.

"You need rest," Anakin said quickly.

"No," Ahsoka pleaded. "I need to know what happened."

Anakin started to protest, but Obi-Wan held up his hand. "Anakin, it isn't an elaborate secret, and you can't keep her from it."

Ahsoka's insides were positively knotting with panic. She looked at everyone in the room. Anakin and Obi-Wan were staring at each other as if having a telepathic debate (they probably were), Rex's jaw was set and his expression was grave, and Padme's eyes went watery with tears.

Finally, after tense moments that may as well have dragged into years, Anakin nodded to Padme. Padme gave him a nod back, small and timid, and pulled at the edge of the course blanket on top of her.

Ahsoka expected to see her leg wrapped in bandages, majorly screwed up, but her left leg was perfectly fine other than a few bruises. Padme tugged the blanket back further, folding it over so Ahsoka could see the bottom half of her legs.

But nothing but her perfectly-fine left leg was there. Ahsoka looked up at everyone with confusion.

"I don't get it," she said. "It looks fine."

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