Young Blood, Old Eyes

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I'm honestly not sure where this came from or if I like it. 

Trigger warning for blood. 

Read on if you dare.

She was by no means old.

Young, actually- she was very young. She could be no more than sixteen.

And she was a Togruta, which was further puzzling.

"You stupid trash!" she shouted at, what he assumed, was a speeder bike. "I'm going to rip you to shreds, grind you to dust, and spread you in the sands of Tatooine to be stomped on by banthas!"

"Um, hello?" he was hesitant to approach her, as any sane person should be. Or, maybe he wasn't sane. Any sane person would leave her be. But there was something about her voice that drew him in.

She kicked the speeder a few times (how did that not hurt her foot?), grumbling and snarling at it. "Trash, trash, trash! It's going to take me years to repair you."

"Excuse me?"

She ignored him further, giving the speeder a final whack before snatching some tools and tinkering with the machine.

"Do you need some help?" he offered. "I'm a mechanic, I have a shop around the corner if you wanna bring it in."

"I'm fine, thanks," she snorted, muttering something incoherent afterwords.

"It won't cost you much. I am experienced, too, and I could fix your-"

"I'm good, don't need help," she repeated.

"Are you sure? We could-"

"I can handle this by myself," she assured him.

"How about you-"

"I'm fine!" She shouted, whirling around to face him.

He froze. Her face had twisted into some sort of snarl or glare, her sharp teeth showed, and oh... those eyes. They were like nothing he had ever seen before. But there was something almost eerie about them. They looked old. They shone beautifully, but they also looked worn. Exposed.

"You should go on your way," she recommended. "You're wasting your time with me, I don't need help."

"No, I always make sure that my clients-"

"I'm not your client. Get lost!" She looked like she could punch a hole right through him.

"Alright, fine, just trying to do my job," he held his palms up as if to surrender.

She rolled her eyes at him and went back to work on her speeder. She, once again, looked very young. No more than sixteen. But her eyes looked much older. Perhaps she had seen much more than any person her age should see.

He hadn't realized he had stayed and watched her until a yelp broke him out of his thoughts.

"Ackh-" she gasped, dropping her tool and gripping her right palm and wrist with her left hand. She smacked the speeder with her left hand. "Ugh, look what you've done," then she mumbled something along the lines of, "Now I'm talking to speeders. Great. I'm losing my mind."

"Uh, I know you told me to get lost, but are you okay?" he grinned sheepishly as she turned to face him again.

"I'm fine, thanks," she said, rolling her eyes. "You're as bad as Anakin."


"Nah, you're just some lousy business boy trying to get the best of me," she snorted.

"Excuse me?!" he fired back.

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