The Family Life

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

AAAA! I'm so sorry, it's been almost a week!

Here we go, hurting Ahsoka again and stirring up her doubt. Sorry, not sorry!

So, in this one, there is Togruti being spoken. My translator was a bit... incomplete. As a result, since Shaak Ti has a Spanish accent (I think) I used some Spanish. Tú hablas Español?  

Read on if you dare. 

The first thing Ahsoka felt was a pounding headache.

A pounding headache.

She felt like her brain was pounding against the inside of her skull and simultaneously, someone was slamming a sledgehammer into her forehead repeatedly.

Ahsoka tried to move something. Anything. Her eyes worked, so she opened them, blinking repeatedly against the bright lights. She groaned lightly, another wave of pain washing over her. Ahsoka closed her eyes and tried pushing herself up.

Gentle hands pushed her back down. "Yeh needs ke stay laying nab," a motherly voice said.

Ahsoka's eyes shot open again. Togruti? She squinted to see the owner of the voice, but she couldn't see through the blinding light.

"Dónde estoy?" Ahsoka croaked, her voice airy and thin.

"Oh yehsa. Yeh hablar en Togruti," the voice came again.

Well of course she spoke Togruti. She was a Togruta.

"Where am I?" Ahsoka repeated, in Togruti.

"Shili," the voice said, in Togruti.

"Why am I here and who are you?"

"My husband found you near the edge of our farm earlier today," the voice explained. "He brought you back here. Your headgear is damaged greatly."

"Lovely," Ahsoka muttered. "But who are you?"

"My name is Pish Zaamaza," the voice said. "Can you remember your name?"

Ahsoka opened her eyes to a squint and waited for them to adjust. She wanted to see Pish.

"Do you remember, chiquita?" Pish repeated.

"Ahsoka Tano," she said, a bit hesitantly.

Pish stayed silent for a moment, giving Ahsoka time to study her features. Her skin was a light orange-pink cross and her eyes were traced with white spots that thinned to lines and disappeared under akul teeth. White streaked her cheeks and part of her forehead. Gray, dissipating, elliptical patterns speckled her montrals and lekku in an orderly fashion.

"Do you remember what happened to you?" Pish questioned after a moment.

Ahsoka wracked her brain. "I am for sure it was a ship crash. I'm not sure how it happened exactly, though. I think the controls were on fire. I remember a lot of smoke, and I was trying to put out some flames."

"That explains your burns. I do not recall my husband stating anything about ship debris," Pish tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"I must have been ejected. It happens sometimes," Ahsoka suggested.

Pish's brow raised. "How many ship crashes have you been in?"

"I'm not sure. It happens a lot, though," Ahsoka admitted.

"Perhaps you shouldn't drive."

"Perhaps Anakin shouldn't drive."

Oops. Ahsoka mentally kicked herself for blurting. Pish would certainly want to know who Anakin was. Ahsoka wasn't ready to spill all her secrets about being a Jedi and fighting in the war.

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