Rare Merchandise

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

So I am doing an AU today in which Ahsoka is not brought to the temple at three, and she is instead a slave, like Anakin. 

I have this idea that slaves were branded like animals are, and that they all have a burn on the front of their wrist (a few centimetres below their palm). 

Oh, and just so you know, the first part after the astricts (*        *        *) is dripping with sarcasm. 

Read on if you dare. 

Four-year-old Ahsoka Tano flew backwards, crashing into the crates. She lifted her throbbing montrals and brought a hand up to her stinging cheek. She couldn't see it, but a large, red handmark had been imprinted on her face.

"Up, worthless girl!"

Ahsoka scrambled to her feet instantly. She didn't flinch as the loud crack of a whip echoed around her.

"Walk. Time for the show."

Ahsoka felt horrible, ripping pain on her back. She bit her lip to suppress a sharp cry. Her tiny fangs dug into her lip, drawing blood, but that was the least of her concern.

She quickly scurried forward onto the stage. The whip cracked a warning behind her. The crowd roared in cheers.

Time for the show to begin.

*         *          *

~ Years Later... ~

Tatooine: a ball of coarse, rough sand, fat slugs, smugglers, Tusken Raiders, Jawas, and slave drivers.

Sounds like a great place to be, right?

Yeah, just spend a day sauntering about the blistering hot surface, maybe get ripped apart by a sandstorm, and to tie it up, share a drink of filthy water with the banthas because there's no other water source available.

Absolute paradise.

This is why Anakin Skywalker never wanted to go back to Tatooine. And yet, he found himself on the insufferable rock once again.

"Master, I hate it here," Anakin whined.

"You're a Jedi Knight, Anakin, stop whining like a child," Obi-Wan sighed.

"Can we go home?" Anakin pleaded.

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "Did you not hear what I just said?"

"Okay, okay, fine," Anakin crossed his arms with a scowl. "But I'm really hungry. Can we get something to eat?"

"Why do I even try?" Obi-Wan let his head fall into his palm. "Fine. There's a place that sells food. We'll stop there for a short while."

Anakin brightened a little at the mention of a nice, warm dinner. Obi-Wan led him to a sketchy-looking cantina. Anakin pushed the door open and stepped inside. He squinted against the dim lights, trying to adjust his eyes.

A loud roar of cheering and a blare of music startled him.

"What in the blazes are they shouting about?" Obi-Wan glanced in the direction of the cheering. Anakin followed his gaze.

There, on one side of the cantina, an audience crowded around a stage. The stage held a dancing Togruta girl wearing rather revealing clothing. Her movements were swift, acrobatic, and precise. They were fluent and the music sounded upbeat and cheery. The Togruta girl looked anything but cheery.

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