Veins of Fire and Ice | Part 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Here's part 2, as requested by @AhsokaJedi. Why do my tags never work? 

Anyways, it's a bit longer, I hope you enjoy it! :)

Trigger warning for blood type stuff. 

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka's determination was short-lived. She made it to the training room before the freezing sensation crawled under her skin. Something nagged at her mind and she shoved it away. The freezing sensation turned to a burning sensation and she clutched at her arms.

Don't give up before you start, Ahsoka encouraged herself, taking her lightsabers off her belt. She began with simple exercises; easy forms and movements with her lightsabers. Ahsoka began incorporating acrobatics and slowly more advanced arrangements.

Sweat formed on her brow with every intensifying movement. Ahsoka went on and on. She'd sprint a few laps around the training room and immediately go into training patterns with her lightsabers.

Ahsoka didn't know how long she stayed at it, but it felt like forever before she finally began to tire out. On she went, pushing herself to her limits until she felt like she could collapse from exhaustion.

Ahsoka hooked her lightsabers on her belt and dragged herself down the hallways. She made it to her quarters, and on doing so, palmed the door open. Ahsoka tumbled inside and let herself fall onto her sleeping mat.

She hadn't realized she fell asleep until she woke up an hour later to rapping on her door. Ahsoka groggily rose, rubbed her eyes, and opened the door.

"Commander... oh, sorry, did I wake you?"

Ahsoka blinked twice at the bright figure of Kix before her. "You're fine," she tried to scape up some enthusiasm, but the burden of exhaustion hung on her now.

"Well, Cody and Rex told me that you might want some kind of sleeping pill. It's getting late, so I thought I'd come to check up on you," Kix handed her a bottle. "If you need them, just take one with a glass of water. But it looks like you figured something out."

"Thanks, Kix," Ahsoka smiled.

Kix soluted and continued down the hallway. Ahsoka shut the door and set the bottle of pills on her desk. Then she crumbled back onto her sleeping mat.

For some reason, it felt good to be so tired. And it felt so good to be able to sleep.


The Son stood completely still before Ahsoka. He hung his head and stood in the shadows. His fingers crossed over each other and his hands hung by his waist.

Ahsoka cowered away from him. His dark presence seemed to be engulfing everything around him. She backed up cautiously but moved swiftly enough so he couldn't take her.

The shadows crept along the dark, cold place. If they had eyes and teeth, they'd be glaring and snarling at Ahsoka.

The Son's head slowly lifted. His eyes glowed red and pierced Ahsoka. Slowly, his lips pulled back, exposing his guely teeth in a sneer.

His hands slowly unclasped and rose. He reached out towards Ahsoka.

Ahsoka bit her lip, backing up more briskly by the moment. Her breaths quickened and soon she'd be running. Fleeing like a cowered.

The Son snapped his hand out suddenly, summoning the Force and the shadows. Something invisible wrapped around Ahsoka, pinning her arms to her sides and preventing her from moving. She struggled against it with all her might, but it only tightened.

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