Another (un)Happy Landing | Part 2 | Febuwhump Day 28

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This is the lasssstttt dayyyy of Febbbuuuuwhhhuuuummmmpppppp!!!!!!

Today's story was requested by TeaTheBags and the prompt is "You're safe now." I forgot to add that line in exactlyyyy, but you'll get the point!

This one's a lot shorter because I'm in a bit of a hurry now, but I'm still pretty happy with it. Short and snappy!

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka jerked awake violently in a cot in the med-bay, the horrible, tangy scent of clean assaulting her nose and horrible memories flashing through her mind. Her throat felt like it'd been shredded with barbed wire and she thought someone might have blown up a balloon in her montrals. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think, and though she knew her eyes were open, she couldn't see.

With a gasp she jolted upright, and instantly there were hands grabbing her shoulders. She jerked at the cold touches and her reflexes went wild, sending Ashoka bucking and thrashing in every direction.

Muddled voices swamped her head but she wished they wouldn't and tried to shove them away. She kept on kicking and flailing, trying to rid the area of anyone nearby.

Her foot came into contact with something hard, whatever she'd kicked recoiling as pain shot through her leg. She twisted sharply and tumbled off her cot, hitting the floor unceremoniously and scuttling back until she hit the wall.

"Stop moving. Ahsoka! Hold still for a moment!"

She froze at the voice that finally broke through. Anakin? Strong arms gripped her and though she squeaked and squirmed, she couldn't get free. More hands scratched lightly at the back of her head over her lekku, fiddling with something elastic.

Then suddenly, bright lights attacked her vision and the arms let her go and she stumbled across the floor. Ahsoka turned around to see several clones and Anakin staring back at her with wide eyes. Anakin's cheek was slowly melting into a purple bruise, and Ahsoka relized she must've kicked him.

"You with us now?" Anakin asked softly, rubbing his cheek.

Ahsoka nodded. She thought back to her last memories. The memories of that awful, dry planet, the memories of being so hungry and thirsty but not having enough to eat or drink, and the memories of the panic attack, the tightness in her chest, the racing of her mind... and her chest once again filled with tension. Ahsoka bent forward and began to do what she once vowed not to do in front of her comrades. She began to sob.

Fat, sparkling tears rolled from her eyes and splattered to the floor in glimmering puddles against the fluorescent med-bay lights.

Instantly, Fives appeared at her side and took her by the arm. He guided her back to her cot and sat her down, then sat next to her. He was the one who'd helped her on that wretched planet, the one who'd saved her from her own mind.

And he let Ahsoka cry herself to sleep, and even after she'd finished, he stayed with her, because he knew she'd feel safer with him by her side.


Word Count: 452

Published: 5 June 2023

Also I found out the coolest thing earlier today! So you know in the Bible in Ruth when Elimelech and Naomi take their family to Moab? They essentially travel the reverse path that the Israelites took to get to God's Promise Land. They were making a bad decision and going the opposite way than they should've. Pretty cool, right? 

Anywayyy, I'm obviously  wayyyy too tired to be doing this sort of stuff right now, if the spiel I just went on makes any sense, because it just popped into my brain and my fingers couldn't keep up.

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Bye, peoples!

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