Happy Birthday, Ahsoka!

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

And happy Valentines' Day, if you celebrate it!

Soooo, according to the internet (which is definitely always right {I say that with sarcasm}) Ahsoka's birthday is February 14. Therefore, on February 14, I bring you a story about Ahsoka's birthday. 

Read on if you dare!

Ahsoka cracked her eyes open, unprepared to accept that morning had dawned already. She yanked her blanket over her head. Going to classes didn't sound like fun. She hoped the council called her and Anakin in for a last-minute mission that day.

When Ahsoka's air ran out from under the thin blanket, she shoved it off and rolled off of her sleeping mat. She spread her blanket neatly over the matt, grabbed her lightsabers, and started down the hallway to her Master's room.

"Happy birthday, Ahsoka!" Anakin leaped out of the door and enveloped Ahsoka in a hug.

"Um, what?" Ahsoka stood awkwardly in his embrace.

"It's your birthday," Anakin released her.

"I have a birthday?"

Anakin laughed. "Of course you do, Snips. Everyone has a birthday."

"So how come you know when my birthday is, but I didn't even know I had a birthday?" Ahsoka questioned.

"I read your records," Anakin explained, walking down the hall and waving for her to follow.

"Oh," Ahsoka couldn't quite wrap her head around the idea. "So why has no one ever told me?"

"Birthdays aren't celebrated here because we don't believe in attachments, so we shouldn't make a show of ourselves by selfishly celebrating ourselves. And no one loves anyone else enough to have birthdays because we aren't supposed to be attached," Anakin said in a very yadah-yadah way with his eyes rolling back and forth. "No one knows their birthdays."

"So I'm selfish if I celebrate mine?" Ahsoka turned into the mess hall.

"No, not at all," Anakin waved his hands in the air. "It's just a Jedi preference thing I guess. Attachments rule. But guess what?"


"I am going to celebrate your birthday because you're important to me and it's good to have a day just to appreciate you," Anakin patted her shoulder. "Screw the attachment thing for your day." 

"For me?" Ahsoka furrowed her brow.


"Does that mean you're going to bail me out of class today?" Ahsoka brightened.

"Nice try," Anakin laughed. "After your classes, though, go straight to the barracks."

Ahsoka sighed, nodding.

Her day of classes was, as always, agonizing. She nearly fell asleep seventeen times. As soon as the students were dismissed for the day, Ahsoka ran to the barracks.

The bunks were empty. Ahsoka found a note pinned on Fives' bunk. It read:

Meet us in the mess hall, Commander Tano

Ahsoka hurried to the mess hall. The lights were off, so she walked in to flip them on. As soon as she did so, the clones jumped out. Instead of the "surprise!" she was expecting, she was met with a paintball smashing into her bare arm and a paintball gun hurled at her face.

Grabbing the paintball gun, another cry rippled from the gaggle of clones.

"I declare a paintball war!" Fives screamed.

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