An Unexpected Encounter | Part 3

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I know it's been a really reaaaaallllyyy long fat minute since I wrote the two other parts to this one, but this was requested by the_chaotics and I decided that it was worth it! So, if you feel so inclined to, go ahead and read the other parts to this. If you don't wanna, here's a summary: 

The Bad Batch stumbles upon Ahsoka in the ruins of a city, in which she recognizes Echo and promptly collapses on him. The boys and Omega decide to take her in and after a painful chat with Echo, he takes her to Cid's Cantina. Omega and Wrecker are simply elated to hear all her stories and Omega is overjoyed to have another girl in the crew. The boys insist she stays at least until her injuries heal, and she agrees.

Read on if you dare.

"I thought you cared for us."

"Was it all a lie to you?"

"Was it all a joke?"

"You told us we mattered. But that was a lie, wasn't it?"

"You've never really cared."

"I wish you were dead."

"You deserve to die."

"You were supposed to save us."

"You failed."

"You should be dead."

"You never deserved to survive."

"You never deserved any of it."

"Ahsoka? Are you okay?"

"Why would you leave us?"

"Why would you let us suffer as you walked on unscathed?"

"Ahsoka? Ahsoka!"

"Your kindness was always an act, a hoax."


"You knew it privately, that you always thought of us the same as all the others did.."



Her eyes snapped open and she shot up, breaths coming as harsh gasps and puffs. Ahsoka's head whipped back and forth, blurry vision working to focus and disorients slowly clearing as vertigo swam off.

"Ahsoka, are you okay?"

Her eyes landed on the small, blonde-haired girl who looked up at her with those wide, brown eyes. Ahsoka forced a smile. "Yes, Omega, I'm fine."

"But you're crying."

"Oh, sorry!" Ahsoka said, her voice shifting up half an octave as her montrals burned. "I didn't mean to wake you, Omega."

"You were crying in your sleep. Were you having a bad dream?" Omega asks, scooching over to nestle herself against Ahsoka and taking Ahsoka's hand.

"It's nothing, Omega. It's late. You should go back to sleep," Ahsoka said, trying to wiggle her fingers free.

Omega only gripped her hands tighter. "Sometimes Echo has nightmares. And Hunter and Tech and Wrecker too. I help them. I can help you."

Oh, sweet, innocent Omega.

"Seriously, Omega, you need to sleep. And I bet I'll forget all about it by morning, okay?" Ahsoka said, pushing her smile further across her face.

Thankfully, Omega relented and snuggled closer, shutting her eyes. It was only a minute before she was fast asleep again.

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