More Than Friends

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Heyo human beings from outer space!


That is all, thank you, read on if you dare. 

"Is that everything?" Anakin dusted off his hands and wiped them on his robes.

"I think so," Ahsoka surveyed the cargo bay. "I checked inventory twice and everything's accounted for. I'm ready, too."

Anakin nodded, satisfied. "So that means all you're waiting for is..."

"Barriss!" Ahsoka shouted, interrupting Anakin as her friend entered the ship.

"Not anymore," Anakin chuckled.

Ahsoka and Barriss beamed, hurrying to each other to embrace. They released, holding each other's wrists and smiling jovially at each other.

"How've you been?" Barriss inquired.

"I've been good. You?" Ahsoka returned.

"I've been well," Barriss replied.

"If you two are quite finished, I believe you have a mission awaiting you," Master Luminara crossed her arms, seemingly displeased at the girls' behaviour.

"Master, I was just–"

"No time, Barriss, you should be checking the systems. That was your job, wasn't it?" Master Luminiara interrupted.

"Of course, Master," Barriss' eyes harboured a deep sadness. "I'm sorry, Ahsoka, but we'll have to catch up later."

Ahsoka tried to be cheery for her friend. "No worries, Barriss, we'll have time while we're in transit."

Barriss wisped past Ahsoka wordlessly and hastened to the cockpit.

"Barriss?" Master Luminara called after her.

"Oh," Barriss turned around. It was obvious to Ahsoka that it was hard for her not to spit the next phrase like a toxin. "Forgive me, Master, for showing resistance."

"Of course, Barriss," Master Luminara smiled a fake, kind smile. Barriss stood in the doorway of the cockpit.

"Is there anything you padawans need?" Master Luminara asked Ahsoka.

"No, Master, thank you. We have everything we need," Ahsoka assured her.

"Very good. I assume you're both ready to go now? Or as soon as the system checks are done, that is," Master Luminara narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, Master," Ahsoka nodded. She was very eager for the mission with just her and Barriss.

"Good. We'll be going now. Are you ready, Skywalker?" Luminara looked to Ahsoka's Master.

"Yeah," Anakin set a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder.

Ahsoka looked up and smiled reassuringly.

"Stay out of trouble, okay?" Anakin grinned back. "And come back to me in one piece."

"Sure thing," Ahsoka responded.

"Don't worry, Master Skywalker. I'll take care of her," Barriss chimed in, a subtle smirk across her face.

Master Luminiara turned and gave Barriss a look that squandered the padawan's momentary peace. Barriss shut herself in the cockpit to complete the system checks. Ahsoka could feel her side of their Force bond in turmoil.

Ahsoka had to concentrate not to glare at the Mirialan Master. Anakin waved to Ahsoka one last time as they exited the ship. Ahsoka feined a grin and waved back. She pressed the large button on the control panel to raise the ramp and stood there until the door sealed shut.

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