A Mission To Shili

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

What if Ahsoka wasn't found by Master Plo? What if someone else found her? 

This chapter is kind of weird and I have no idea where it came from. I've never seen anyone else do this so it might just be stupid. It's an AU of who found Ahsoka and yes, I'm altering timelines a teeny tiny little itty bitty baby minuscule ... you get the point. 


Read on if you dare. 

Garozeb Orellios didn't know why it had to be him.

Okay, fine, he knew why it had to be him. It had to be him because he was one of the only captains who hadn't been infected with the disease spreading over Lasan.

But Zeb didn't know why it had to be Shili.

Okay, fine, he knew that, too. It was the one planet where the root he was looking for could grow. The people of Lasan needed that root to make medicine for curing a disease that had recently infected most of the population.

No matter how much Zeb knew, however, he still didn't like the mission. He would've wanted to go anywhere but Shili.

Okay, fine, he would've chosen Shili over the despicable places like Hoth.

That didn't make him like the mission. Togrutas crept him out. Them and their horny little heads with their sharp, huge fangs and scary head tails.

Zeb half sighed, half groaned four about the 348th time. It had to be Shili. He didn't like Shili. But, if it meant saving lives, he supposed it was worth it.

Checking the console, he decided he had just enough time to review the cargo and empty containers in the back. Zeb stood and made his way to the cargo bay. He flipped on the flickering lights and began rummaging around.

Everything was accounted for, including the empty cargo containers for keeping the root. Zeb made sure everything was back in place before he left.

The console beeped, signalling the exit from hyperspace. Seconds later, Zeb was piloting the ship to the surface of the Force-forsaken planet. He landed the ship at a landing pad and exited leisurely.

Zeb felt very out of place on the planet. All the tailheads watched him out of the corner of their eyes. The children gasped and huddled together, afraid of the large, scary Lasat man.

Zeb fumbled for his map. He found it and uncrumpled it, trying to read it. He had to turn it a few different ways before determining which way was up or down.

As he found the right way, Zeb began heading in the correct direction. He stopped to briefly watch someone who appeared to be a Jedi speaking to a young Togruta.

This wasn't new to Zeb. He'd seen a Jedi confront a youngling before. He knew about the Ashla, the Force. It interested him and he found himself smiling at the incident, even if it was a little Togruta.

But something was off, and Zeb's smile dropped. The Jedi insisted the little Togruta girl show her powers to him. Togruta refused and shrank back to the unhappy village people. Jedi grew more and more impatient and angry and began acting roughly.

Zeb didn't know a ton about the Ashla, but he knew enough to decide that his man probably was not a Jedi. Zeb marched over to the man.

"Hey, you got a problem with the kid?" Zeb crossed his arms and stood tall next to Jedi.

"This is none of your business, foreigner," spat Jedi. He lunged forward for Togruta and snatched her roughly by the arm. She yelped and cried as he swung her into his arms and made a break for it.

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