There's A Last Time For Everything

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Hiiiiiii. Oh wait, I already said that. 

Okay, I have no idea what this is. It's like a hot mess and a half created by a scribble tornado but I wrote it so I must publish it 'cause I have nothing better to do with it than shove it in my trashed fics folder and I really don't want to do that and yes, this is a run-on sentence but I do not care. 

Read on if you dare. 

Rex ran his tongue over his teeth, trying to decide if he'd rather pass out or yell at that moment in time.

He sat in a small room with two other people: his general and his commander. His general was sprawled out on a bed in a clean, less-than-flattering hospital gown. He had all sorts of monitors hooked up to him. Anakin was in a coma.

Beside him sat his commander, and General Kenobi was formerly with them. However, Kenobi had gone to get something to eat and get some shut-eye.

A thick, heavy silence filled the room. The medical monitors beeped steadily and Rex could hear the sound of his own breathing. He and Ahsoka just sat there, staring at Anakin's motionless form lying on the bed.

Soldiers who fought in the Clone War were taught to be stubborn and resilient. Should they ever be captured, they'd be able to survive without giving up vital information. They also needed it to endure the war, loss, and hardship.

But Rex didn't think soldiers were meant to be donkey-mule-stiff-neck stubborn, especially in this situation. One might think he was recalling his General, who managed to put himself in yet another coma.

No, Rex was recalling his commander. She hadn't cleaned herself up or let Kix take a look at her since the battle. Blood and dirt smeared her torn battle dress. Her slouched posture did a little more than hint at her exhaustion. And the fact that she hadn't eaten in two days was more than enough for Rex to know she was hungry.

Rex tried to convince her to eat something, get cleaned up, get a check-up from Kix, something to eat, and some sleep. Of course, donkey-mule-stiff-neck-stubborn Ahsoka brushed all that off and sat in her own filth, hungry and exhausted.

So many things must've been racing through her mind. Rex could tell that by the way her glazed eyes darted up and down Anakin's still formed and she drew in her breaths unsteadily.

He didn't have to be a Jedi to tell that she was a nervous wreck on the inside. On the outside, she trembled ever so slightly but otherwise sat rigidly in her chair. If an average citizen saw her, they'd think everything was regular. If they hadn't been staring at her intensely, they wouldn't have noticed her trembling.

But Rex wasn't the average citizen and he knew. Oh, how he knew. He'd slowly picked up on her quirks from the first time they'd been in this situation. The number of times they'd been in this situation was truly concerning along with the fact that this time was surely not the least, but Rex tried to ignore that.

Rex felt a weight against his shoulder. He glanced over and saw a very grey-looking Ahsoka leaning against his shoulder. Rex wanted to flick her forehead. She wasn't four; she should know how to take care of herself before staring at her unconscious master.

Then he decided against it. For one, Ahsoka would go back to staring at Anakin, and for two, Rex knew how she felt. Rex remembered the first time his mentor and closest brother Cody fell into a coma. Rex was a nervous wreck and he didn't sleep or eat or shower for days. And while this was far from the first time Anakin had gotten himself into a coma, Ahsoka had every right to be shaken.

Ahsoka was a child. She'd be scarred for life after this, and the trauma of this all was much more of a burden for her.

So Rex quietly commed Obi-Wan to let him know Ahsoka would need a lift to her quarters in the Jedi Temple.

Not to worry, Rex thought, Anakin would certainly get himself knocked into a coma plenty more times, meaning Ahsoka and him would go through this exact same thing.

Little did he know, it was the last time they'd be in this situation. Because not too far away, Barris Offe's mind swirled with darkness and resentment.


Word Count: 842

Published: Jun. 3, 2022

Grammarly hates me right now.  

I just finished writing this while watching the new Obi-Wan episode (part? I don't know) and making comments like "yaaaaay, traumatic backstory is fun!" in a completely sarcastic voice. I watched it with a few other people and they were all looking at me weird. 

But seriously, I only like cliffhangers when I'm the one writing them. 

K, requests are open. Feel free to message me or make a comment if I have any ideas!

Bye, peoples!

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