Flinch Test | Febuwhump Day 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Yes, I managed to procrastinate on all the things I had to do yesterday, including writing for Febuwhump. Who knew I'd procrastinate on even the things I love doing? That's just me, I guess. A day late and a dollar short, but at least I still showed up.

Prompt: Flinching. And of course, knowing me, I've managed to throw this overly short story into the crackpot. So yeah. It's either depressing or the opposite. 

Read on if you dare. 

"I already did the bunk checks, so now I just need to take inventory and– Ahh!" Ahsoka cut herself off, hopping backward to dodge the gloved fist shoving into her face. "What the kriff, Fives?!"

"Flinch test!" Fives said brightly. "You failed."

Echo, beside Ahsoka, rolled his eyes.

Ahsoka shot Fives a nasty look, her face slowly morphing into a smirk. She looked down at her datapad and tapped on the screen a few times. "Let's see, where is it? Hmm... Ah! Here we are. Bunk check! Oops, it looks like I made a mistake. It looks like I have Fives marked as 'cleared.' Let me fix that. You failed."

"What? But, Commander..." Fives whined.

"Don't you dare 'but commander' me, trooper. We're even now, you see? I failed your flinch test and you failed my bunk check," Ahsoka said.

Fives pouted and Echo let out a long, "Ooooooooh."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have inventory to take, and my kind friend Echo here is going to help me," Ahsoka said, brushing past Fives. "And before you ask, no, you can't make this up to me. So suck it up and accept the fact that you're going to be on inventory next time."

"B-but..." Fives started, but Ahsoka and Echo were already gone, Echo snickering the whole way. "Note to self, don't mess with the Commander."

Then Fives dragged his feet down to the barracks to pout. He hated inventory.


Word Count: 241

Published: February 4, 2023

Aside from the fact that I wrote this story in about 10 minutes and it's super short, guess what?  It's this book's one-year anniversary! Yay! What do I call this, a writeaversery? I don't know, but I've been here for a year already and this book is almost exactly halfway through. This is part 101, people. 

I can't believe it's already been a year, oh my krifferoni. 

Anywayyyy, requests are open, feel free to make a comment or message me if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples!

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