Purple Rancor on the Wall | Febuwhump Day 11

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Surprise, surprise, I've made a grand return one day later and 12 days late! 

Did that make any sense? Probably not. I have way too much energy and it's way too late. 

Okay, so this was requested by Rebecca413 and let me just say I LOVE IT SO KRIFFING MUCH. You will not believe how much fun I had writing this. 

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know. 

Read on if you dare. 

It was approximately 1:06 AM when Obi-Wan emerged from his light sleep at the sound of his pinging com. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed the device to answer the incoming call.

"This is General Kenobi."

"Obi-Wan," Ahsoka's voice crackled through in a whisper. "I know it's late but I need help."

"What is it, young one?" Obi-Wan asked, his concern growing.

"Shhh, keep your voice down," she said. "It might find me."

"What are you talking about?" Obi-Wan was already pulling his cloak over his arms.

"There's a tiny purple Rancor climbing the wall," Ahsoka said. "It wants to eat me. I need help."

Obi-Wan did a double take. "Come again?"

"There's a tiny purple Rancor on the wall."

So he did hear her right. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. It wants to eat me."

"Hold on, Ahsoka, I'll be right over."

Obi-Wan hurried down the hallway, glad that no other Jedi were awake to see his frantic half-asleep run to Anakin and Ahsoka's quarters. Ahsoka was there alone, however, since Anakin was off on a solo mission. Obi-Wan had promised to watch out for her while he was gone.

"Ahsoka, I'm coming in," Obi-Wan said when he made it to her door. He punched in the override for the lock and the door swished open.

The common room was dark and Obi-Wan couldn't see his grand padawan, so he softly called her name.

When she responded, he found her hiding behind a lounge chair. Ahsoka waved him over and Obi-Wan came to crouch beside her.

"Where's your purple rancor, my dear?" Obi-Wan whispered.

Ahsoka brought a shaky finger to her lips and pointed to the wall behind the holo film projector with her free hand. There was no purple rancor on the wall.

"Are you sure it wasn't a shadow?" Obi-Wan suggested.

"It's real. Shadows aren't purple."

"How about we turn on the lights?" Obi-Wan said.

"No!" Ahsoka hissed. "It will see me!"

"I'll protect you," Obi-Wan promised.

Ahsoka was still shaking her head when Obi-Wan used the Force to turn on the light. Ahsoka shrieked and buried her head.

"It's going to kill me!" Ahsoka cried. "I don't want to die, 'bi-Wan!"

Obi-Wan frowned at her. "Can you look at me please?"

"No. I don't want to die."

"I'll protect you, my dear."

She didn't move.

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