Like a Deadly Ballerina

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I can't believe my break is almost over 😭😭 I only have the weekend left, and then it's back to normal life. 

Anyway, I don't know if there's ballet in Star Wars and I'm too lazy to look it up, so pretend that there is just for this story. And yes, I have been watching way too many videos about ballet over break and wishing that I could be a ballerina, can't you relate 😉😉

In all seriousness, this is kinda weird and trashily poetic, so enjoy at your own risk. 

Read on if you dare. 

As odd as it sounded, Rex didn't get to see the Jedi in action much.

It made no sense in theory, but if you asked any clone, they'd say the same.

Yes, they fought alongside the Jedi, but that was just it. Alongside didn't permit watching privileges. Skywalker and Tano did always lead the charge, but the clones were too busy making sure they didn't get their heads blown off to actually turn and watch.

Naturally, Rex took a curious interest in watching the Jedi do their thing, namely Ahsoka. He did get to see Skywalker and Kenobi spar a few times, which was amazing, but not as often as he got to see Ahsoka work her Jedi magic. Or, science, if they preferred it to be called that.

Sometimes Rex and his men would help with the training, and when they didn't, Rex was still often present. Skywalker allowed him to watch. Ahsoka never seemed to notice him, which was good, because he didn't want to interfere.

Almost every time Skywalker trained Ahsoka while they were on the Resolute, Rex made sure he was there to watch. Some of the men thought it was odd to go and sit forever just watching Ahsoka, but Echo showed up to watch, too, more than once.

A few times, Rex would find Ahsoka in the training room practicing on her own.

That morning happened to be one of those times.

Rex walked into the training room, planning to hammer out some target practice, when the steady hum of a lightsaber cutting through the air greeted him. Rex came in quietly but she noticed him right away anyway.

"'Morning, Commander," Rex said when she halted in her practice right there and deactivated her lightsaber to greet him.

"'Morning, Rex," Ahsoka said.

"Mind if I sit in and watch?" Rex asked.

Ahsoka shrugged. "You can if you want to, but I can never figure out why you like it so much."

Rex settled himself on a stack of rolled-up sparring mats. "I find it amusing, I guess."

"And honestly, Rex, you don't see why you still ask. You've been coming in to watch since I became Anakin's padawan," Ahsoka said. "You can really just come in and watch whenever you want."

"I'll keep it in mind," Rex said, even though he knew sure as droid heads that he'd be asking permission the next time he wanted to watch.

Ahsoka turned her back to him, effectively ignoring his entire existence, and ignited her lightsaber. A few deep breaths later, her lightsaber sliced and twirled through the air with a sort of dangerous, mesmerising beauty.

Rex watched attentively as she moved through the air. Up, down, spin, on the tips of her toes, down to the floor, back up again, a swift kick to the side, another wild spin... she went on and on and it was then that it occurred to Rex that he'd seen this sort of movement in only one other situation.


On a rare occasion, Skywalker had taken Rex and Ahsoka with him to guard Senator Amidala. It had been a time of crisis and danger for all senators, even if she wasn't targeted directly, and the council thought it was necessary to guard every senator they possibly could. So low and behold, Rex found himself alongside Ahsoka trailing behind General Skywalker and Senator Amidala as the senator fulfilled her daily tasks.

The senator had happened to have tickets to a ballet performance that day, so the Jedi and clone got to tag along as well. Rex had expected a boring afternoon, but found himself enthralled instead.

And he could see the resemblance now. The way Ahsoka spun up on her toes, the way she leaped across the room to slash an unsuspecting, invisible target, and the way she gracefully made her rounds looked like a dance.

A deadly dance.

With a deadly baton.

A deadly dance with a baton that could behead anyone who got too close, but a dance no less.

Still, Ahsoka had a nimbleness to her that no one could measure up to. Not even the dancers.

Put some of those fancy dance slippers on the kid (pointe shoes, were they?) and she'd out dance any one of thos professionals, he reckoned to himself.

Amazing. Truly stunning.

Ahsoka finished somet time later and bowed to an invisible being. Then she set her lightsaber on her belt and somehow flopped gracefully to the ground to stretch. She fell effortlessly int a split, leaning forward all the way, then backward all the way to stretch every muscle. She repeated it, but with the other leg forward, and Rex found himself amazed again.

She was like a ballerina.

A deadly ballerina.

But the best ballerina that ever did live.


Word Count: 990

Published: December 31, 2022

Can you believe that tomorrow is the first day of 2023?????? Crazy, right?????? 

I can hardly believe it! 

And by the way, I'll be starting a new novel in January, even though I'm not super prepared for it (I'm a total pantser at times) and so I might neglect Wattpad again. I'll try not to, though. 

I can hear Yoda screaming at me now for the t-r-y word. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples!

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