Baby Jedi

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

It's been a hot minute and a half, but I'm here now, yaaaaaayyy!

Annnnd it's almost Christmas, so if you celebrate it, have a great Christmas! I'm almost on holiday break, so I might be able to do something Christmasy for our favorite Jedi and clones :)

Anyways, please enjoy like 2,000 words of Ahsoka being called a Baby Jedi!

Read on if you dare.

"What did you say this group of clones was called, again?" Ahsoka asked, swinging her legs around the table to face Rex.

Lately, the Council and Chansolar had taken a particular interest in Ahsoka's performance and they decided to give her a sort of test to challenge her abilities. It so happened that this test was taking a particular squadron of four different clones on a special mission. And from what she'd heard about them, these clones were as reckless, wild, and disobedient as clones came.

Rex hummed, poking his head up from where he'd been looking through some supplies. "They're Clone Force 99, and they call themselves the Bad Batch."

"Right," Ahsoka said. What a name.

Needless to say, Ahsoka's nerves were starting to get to her.

"Are you ready?" Rex asked suddenly, joining her on the table with a datapad.

"Hmm?" Ahsoka asked, raising her eye markings.

"Are you ready for your mission?" Rex clarified.

"I was born ready," Ahsoka said, even though she was starting to feel quite the opposite. "Why?"

Rex chuckled. "'cause they're about to pull in."

"Oh!" Ahsoka squawked, hopping down from the table and rushing outside. Rex strode after her quickly as she bounced along, her stomach twisting with nervousness.

Ahsoka pushed outside just in time to see a modified attack shuttle rambunctiously zipping down from the sky. Clones yelped and dove away to stop it from plowing them over. The shuttle came to a screeching halt only meters away from crashing into the barracks before tipping forward and then falling back to place with a grinding rattle.

"You drive like a maniac!" one of the clones, probably Jesse, shouted from across the dust-ridden camp.

"Yeah, no different from Anakin," Ahsoka mumbled with an eye roll.

Rex chuckled and patted her back. "At least Skywalker knows how to stick a landing."

"He always ends up crashing, though," Ahsoka said.

Rex opened his mouth to reply, but just then, the ramp of the shuttle lowered and a ginormous clone came barrelling down.

"Rex!" the clone shouted, scooping rex into a strangling hug. "It's good to see ya!"

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Wrecker," Rex forced out, though Ahsoka swore his eyeballs were bulging.

"Let the man down before he dies," a lean clone growled, making his way down the ramp. Two other clones followed, one with a bandana and one working busily at his datapad.

"Aw, don't be a party-pooper, Cross!" whined the huge clone, presumably Wrecker, though he dropped Rex and let him breathe.

"Captain," the clone with the bandana stepped forward to help Rex up and shake his hand. "Glad to see you're doing well."

"Thank you, and the same for you and your squad, Sargent," Rex said.

"Where's our Jedi?" Wrecker boomed. "And what's that baby doing right there?" He gestured obnoxiously to Ahsoka.

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