Memories around the Campfire

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

So, I've been writing nonstop the past few days, and I have like... 7 drafts, but I haven't been finishing any of them. And if I do finish them, I've been tearing them down and rebuilding them again because I don't like them. 

Oi. It's annoying when this happens. 

I threw this one together today. Many memories will be mentioned (ones I invented), and if you want me to write out a story of any of these, lemme know. You can message me or make a comment. 

Read on if you dare. 

The campfire crackled merrily, bathing the faces of those who surrounded it in gentle hues of orange and yellow against the otherwise dark night. It warmed them from the cool air.

Around the fire, the clones chattered just as merrily. After a battle, sometimes they just needed a distraction. Sometimes, they played sabacc. Sometimes, they had a snowball fight (if the planet was cold, of course). Sometimes, they sat around the campfire.

Tonight, they sat around the campfire.

Sometimes, they'd sing. Sometimes, they'd shout and pretend like they could actually sing. Sometimes, they'd just talk.

Tonight, they just talked.

"My armour got a little scratched up," Echo said when the laughter from the last set of conversations died down. "I'm going to need to touch it up."

"Oh, Echo, always the perfectionist," Fives poked his twin playfully. "You use up more paint than the shinies do with their first armour paint."

Echo rolled his eyes.

"The first paint is always fun to see," Ahsoka piped up thoughtfully.

"I remember the first one you watched a shiny paint his armour," Hardcase failed at suppressing his laughter. "And then you passed out."

Ahsoka glared at him. "It's a Jedi-Force thing. Just drop it already, Hardcase!" She ordered, blushing with embarrassment. "There were too many powerful emotions!"

Hardcase laughed impossibly harder and everyone else had to join in. Ahsoka crossed her arms over her chest angrily. She glared daggers at Hardcase. Then a smirk crept onto her face.

"Hardcase, remember that time you drank ten cups of caf and Kix taped you to the wall?" Ahsoka challenged.

"S-shut up," Hardcase turned as red as a Millaflower. The clones roared in laughter.

"That was very fulfilling," Kix managed.

"Well remember the time the General had to hunt you down in the base when you took a wrong turn because you held the map upside down?" Hardcase fired back.

Kix stopped laughing. "We do not speak of that day."

"I found it rather amusing," Anakin patted Kix on the back.

"I found it amusing when you set your kitchen on fire and gave the Commander those third-degree burns," Kix shot. "Rex, General Kenobi, and I had to come to save you."

Anakin's glare turned into a mischievous look, "Ooh, Rex—"

"Don't drag me into this," Rex held his hands up in surrender.

"Remember that time–"


"When you got–"


"Caught up in those vines and–"


"Stuck in the tree so we had to–"


"To get you out because you were too afraid to... to climb down?" Anakin practically wheezed with laughter.

"Oh brother," Rex rolled his eyes as the surrounding clones howled with laughter.

"Your turn, Rex," Ahsoka laughed.

"Okay, hmm," Rex leaned forward, recalling a memory to divert the attention from him. "Let's see, I seem to recall a time when I came into the training room to be stunned by a certain ARC trooper."

"Hey!" Fives snapped. "It was an accident! And Hardcase and Tup were involved."

"I thought we were friends!" Tup slapped a hand dramatically over his heart and let his jaw gape for extra effect. "I feel... betrayed! And by the way, I saw Kano sneaking chocolate cake from the mess at 0300," he added cheerily.

Kano's head jerked up. He blushed noticeably, but his lips played a grin. "Yup, and you started eating it right along with me."

"I was hoping you wouldn't share that," Tup grumbled.

Everyone howled in laughter once again. When it died down, no one spoke for a long moment. It seemed as though they had to catch their breath.

"General, remember the time the Commander was on anaesthesia?" Kix sat back contently.

Anakin laughed again. "Yeah, that was hilarious."

"I don't remember any of that," Ahsoka grumbled angrily. "Stop teasing me about it. I don't even know what I did."

"I remember another time," Rex chimed in with a smile. "I cam into the barracks and the entire 501st was asleep on top of the Commander."

"I remember that one," Ahsoka perked up. "I wanted to practice my sleep suggestions and then everyone ended up falling asleep on me and most of them fell asleep by themselves."

"But you were asleep, too," Rex added.

"Yeah, I kinda fell asleep with them," Ahsoka chuckled.

The fire sputtered and Echo threw more wood on it. It sprang back to life in an instant.

"I remember," Echo sounded a bit dreamy as he spoke. "the first time Fives tried sparring with the Commander."

Ahsoka snorted, the result of trying desperately– and failing– to suppress giggles.

"Don't rub it in," Fives pouted. "But boy, do I have a story about Echo..."

And so they went on and on, into the night, exchanging memories and banter. All the while, the merry fire crackled on, bathing their faces in a gentle, orange hue. 


Word Count: 988

Published: Mar. 17, 2022

If you'll recall "Indisposed", you may remember Obi-Wan and Kix going on about giving the Commander third-degree burns or setting something on fire. I meant to mention that I could write out a story behind that, but I forgot. 

So, yes, this one is a bit shorter than normal. Sorry. I have a pretty long one planned. Or maybe I'll break it up. I dunno. I'm ranting. Sorry. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment!

Bye, peoples!

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