What to do With the Kids?

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!


Any sane person should be sleeping right now. Fortunately, I am not sane. And I wrote this while eating applesauce and switching over a few tabs to read some random story every few paragraphs because I'm easily distracted. 

This was requested by I_Am_Snips and I just went back and realized that this isn't quiiiiitttteee what was requested so I can do another one but I'm wayyyy too lazy to do that right now XD

Read on if you dare. 

It was a typical battle on a typical day on a typical planet during the Clone Wars... Until it wasn't.

"Master, what is that?" Ahsoka shouted over the commotion, pointing towards the Seperatist forces that came in steady waves over the horizon.

Anakin glanced in the direction she'd motioned and frowned to see murky clouds drifting hastily in their directon. "No clue, Snips. I heard this planet has strange weather, though."

"I don't think it's weather," Ahsoka said. "Anakin, I have a bad feeling about this."

The Force scraped at her nerves, sending shivers down her spine. "Anakin, I have a really bad feeling about this. Cover your face!"

Anakin cupped his robe sleves over his mouth and nose and Ahsoka ducked behind Rex to snag his rag off his utility belt.

Something came cattapulting from the sky, nearly hitting Ahsoka as it clanged to the ground. Ahsoka hardly got a good look at the metal canister before it started hissing like a feral animal, more murky clouds spraying from the ends. Screaching Ahakin's name, she dove away, lost her rag, and stnatched it up to cover her face again.

Her vision blurred and she realized she must've sucked in some of the gas. Through the horrible swimming of the world, Ahsoka watched Anakin flop to the floor and bearly registered the shouts of the men as they rushed about.

Kix and some of his junior medics swarmed Anakin so thickly that she couldn't see him any more. She staggered, hoping with all she was worth that Anakin would be okay.

Someone grabbed her arm and she moved her head over sluggishly, her hand which held the cloth over her mouth and nose drifting weakly downward. Ahsoka's muscles turned to mush as though every last drop of strength had been sucked out of her.

Kix teleported to her side. His mouth moved but everything sounded underwater in Ahsoka's montrals and she couldn't catch what he was saying. Kix reached out and lowered her slowly to the floor. She felt herself buckling, her muscles giving out, her entire body trembling...

Ahsoka tried to force out some words, but she never knew if they made it through her closing airways. Kix, looking very angry even through her hardly-working eyes, eased her all the way back onto the floor.

Then, as she began to shake even more violently, all her senses gave out on her and she plunged into cold darkness.


Obi-Wan sighed for what may as well have been the millionth time. What was he to do with his problematic padawans? They'd gotten into trouble yet again, inhaling some sort of gas chemicals that sent them spiraling into all sorts of fun medical emergencies. Both of them had nearly died!

Actually, no, they had died. Both of them. Multiple times. Anakin flatlined twice and Ahsoka flatlined three times. But thanks to Kix, they'd been revived each time and now were alive and... well... not so well, but alive.

With yet another sigh, Obi-Wan sat back in his chair and waited a bit impatiently to be let in to see the vexatious duo.

Finally, after Obi-Wan may or may not have dozed off a couple of times, a Healer came from the hallway to tell him that he could go into their room now. Obi-Wan stood a little too quickly and followed the young woman through the Halls of Healing and let him in through a door with the number 348 printed on the front.

There, in two beds lined against the wall, lay his padawans. Each of them was hooked up to so many monitors and an oxygen mask wrapped Ahsoka's face. Their hearts beat steadily and their chests rose and fell in rhythm, but Obi-Wan still felt his heart break a little when he saw them.

He sat between their beds in the cheap plastic chairs and distracted himself with wondering why the Temple couldn't afford something a little more comfortable.

The sheets in the bed to his right crinkled and Obi-Wan turned to see Ahsoka blinking her eyes open. Before he could stop her she'd reached up and lifted the oxygen mask from her face.

"Hey, 'bi-Wan," she said groggily, offering him a lopsided smile.

"Hello, my dear," Obi-Wan said softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit with a speeder," Ahsoka groaned. "Anakin?"

"He's okay, he's just right over here," Obi-Wan motioned to Anakin's bed. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, gas," Ahsoka said. "Were we bad?"

Obi-Wan's expression dropped further. "Yes, you were both critical for a while there. But unlike Anakin, you were wise enough to jump away from the canister rather than try to get a better look at it."

Ahsoka snorted out a laugh. "Anakin did that?"

"Yes, I often question his intelligence levels," Obi-Wan said, a grin sneaking into his features.

"We'll be okay, right?"

"Of course, my dear," Obi-Wan told her.

Ahsoka coughed and groaned. "Did Anakin wake up?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure he will soon," Obi-Wan promised.

"Okay," Ahsoka coughed again, harder this time. "Ow."

"Put this back on for now," Obi-Wan situated the mouth back over her mouth and nose.

Ahsoka blinked hard and long, looking at him with glazed eyes.

"You sleep for now. Anakin will be just fine, I promise," Obi-Wan said.

Ahsoka reached up to pull her mask away again. "The boys?"

"Fine, just fine," Obi-Wan tucked her hands under the blanket and resituated the mask. "Their helmets saved them. Now sleep, Ahsoka. You need rest."

Ahsoka's eyes slowly slid shut and her head tilted away from him ever so slightly. Obi-Wan tugged at the bands around her head that held the oxygen mask in place, then glanced over at Anakin.

Oh, what was he to do with his children?


Word Count: 965

Published: 7 June 2023

Yayyyyy it's longerrrr. 

Okay, now I'm going to go outside in the pitch black dark without a flashlight because I have been procrastinating on feeding the rabbits all night long. Hopefully I don't die :)

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Bye, peoples!

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