Too Blasted Tired | Whumptober Day 3

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I'm not deeeeaaaddd~ 

Sorry for the long wait. I rewrote this stupid fic so many times that I want to burn it and cry. And I still hate it. Also I've been crying over kids' shows for too long. So basically I'm dehydrated. 

Anywayyy today's prompt is "Make it stop" and YES this counts because I am not kriffing writing this again. It is a sequel to the previous part but can be read as a stand alone. Also it was requested by basically everyone. 

Read on if you dare. 


Obi-Wan's head snapped up from his chest, where he hadn't realized it'd fallen. His legs had gone numb from sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chair for so long and his neck ached from the position he'd unintentionally fallen asleep in. Honestly, Obi-Wan would've thought the Jedi had a little more money to contribute to more comfortable seating in the Halls of Healing. He sat in the uncomfortable chair between two beds, one holding Anakin and one holding Ahsoka.

"Obi-Wan..." the weak, sandpaper-like voice whispered again. Obi-Wan's eyes met the glassy ones of his former padawan.

"I'm here, Anakin," Obi-Wan said, a small huff escaping his lungs at the sight of Anakin finally becoming conscious.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin croaked.

"Right here," Obi-Wan gestured to the bed on his other side. Anakin's gaze found his padawan, lying motionless in the bed, hooked up to many machines and with an oxygen mask strapped over her mouth and nose.

A choking sound escaped Anakin's throat. "Oh Force--"

"Don't worry, she woke up a while ago, she's just sleeping," Obi-Wan said, and Anakin sighed. "She's in better condition than you. Your padawan was wise enough to dive away from the huge canister of poisonous gas, unlike you."


"Honestly, Anakin, I thought I trained you better than this."

"I didn't know what it was... I had to figure it out," Anakin groaned. "Cut me some slack."

Obi-Wan half-sighed and half-groaned, but he couldn't keep that soft smile off his face. "Get some sleep, Anakin. Perhaps it will help restore some of your common sense?"

"Be quiet..." Anakin mumbled, but a moment later, he was fast asleep.


The next time Anakin woke up, the plastic chair beside his bed was vacant, and morning sunlight trickled through the blinds in front of the window. When he tried to move, he groaned from the soreness.

"Ahsoka," Anakin groaned. "Snips, you 'wake?"

"yeah," Came her sigh of horse voice.

"How're you feelin'?"

"Like I got trampled by a bantha. You?"


Ahsoka snorted with laughter. "You would be."

"Was that an insult?" Anakin slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position. Jedi healers were truly amazing: he was already feeling a lot better. He'd woken up more now, and his limbs ached for some action, no matter how mellow that action may be.

"I'll let you decide," Ahsoka said. She must've heard his shifting because she followed suit, albeit much more gracefully, and twisted to face him.

"Real mature, Snips," Anakin rolled his eyes, a grin snaking its way onto his face. "Wanna sneak out?"

"Talk about immature," Ahsoka scoffed, but they were already both to their unsteady feet. "Obviously yes."


Obi-Wan turned his back for one minute, he swore. He went to take a shower-- pardon him for wanting to be clean-- and left his soundly-sleeping padawans in the Halls of Healing. He was foolish to think they'd stay asleep and behave themselves, and he realized that now, but he'd been sitting at their sides for so long. Like he'd said before, those chairs were anything but comfortable. He'd needed a break.

After his shower, he decided he might benefit from a meal. Again, he was foolish. Foolish and Hungry. It drew him to the Jedi mess hall, and that's when his grave mistakes slapped him square in the face. In the corner of the hall, standing in line, were none other than Anakin and Ahsoka.

"what in the blazes--" Obi-Wan growled to himself, his forehead flushing with anger.

He all but stormed over to them, stamping his foot down loud enough to startle them out of their conversation. Anakin wobbled on his feet and Ahsoka looked considerably paler than she should've

"Care to explain what you're doing here?"

"Getting food," Ahsoka said as Anakin simultaneously stuttered, "u-uh, crimes?" Ahsoka shot him a look twisted with amusement and concern.

Obi-Wan facepalmed with a frustrated groan. He reached out and grabbed both of them-- Ahsoka by the elbow and Anakin by the ear-- and dragged them all the way back to the Halls as they griped.

The healers were looking for them, and none too happy to find that they'd snuck away.

Obi-Wan pulled up a chair again and resolved that he wouldn't relent on his babysitting duties again.


Obi-Wan's next mistake was falling asleep. It wasn't like he meant to. Dealing with the immature padawans fatigued him greatly, and even the plastic chair lulled him off to dreamland.

When he woke up, their beds were empty and the door to the 'fresher was shut and tightly locked. Obi-Wan sprang upward, sending the chair toppling back, and careened to the door.

"Anakin, Ahsoka?!" Obi-Wan bellowed. "Are you in there? Open the door at once!"

The only response he received was some giggling, one titter that he knew could only belong to one of the loyal clones.

Obi-Wan sagged into the door and twisted so his back slid down. With a frustrated groan, he held his hands in his head.

He was too tired for this. Too. Blasted. Tired.

Make it stop, he thought. If only they would, he'd have a lot less grey hairs.

They'd be fine. Kix would make sure of that, and send them back if he deemed it necessary.

So Obi-Wan gave up.


Word count: 877

Published: 16 October 2023 (don't judge)

So it's a Monday. Which means today isn't over but I'm over today. I hate this fic, I wanna rip off my cast, and I'm still crying on the inside about kids' shows. How's your day going? 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Bye, peoples! 

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