Modern AU | Part II

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

I like roman numerals. Hence the reason the "part II' is, in fact, written in roman numerals. 

So yes, part two. Fun stuff. 

Read on if you dare. 

It'd been over two weeks since Anakin found Ahsoka in the alleyway. She hadn't regained her memory, and according to Kix, she'd been far from herself.

Normally, she was snippy, outgoing, witty, and very sarcastic. She loved sports, amusement parks, and arcades. She owned high grades in school.

But all Anakin knew of her was fear. She winced at every touch, shrunk from any presence, and her eyes were always blown wide with fear. She was still smart- she kept her grades high and remembered basic knowledge. But she still didn't know who she was or anything about her life.

They'd tried everything to help her regain her memory.

They'd reintroduced her to the Fetts, she'd read her diary, and she'd done things she liked to do, but her memory didn't return.

So they kept trying. Anakin found out that Ahsoka had loved roller skating. He took her down to the skate park regularly and she seemed to enjoy it.

So there he was, sitting with Kix and Obi-Wan and watching Ahsoka skate around. Kix was telling some story about Ahsoka, the sun was shining, and everything was going as usual.

Then tragedy struck for the second time that month.

An oddly familiar boy rushed over to Ahsoka, kicked her skates out from underneath her, and forcefully slammed her into the concrete ground.

Ahsoka yelped. Despite her helmet, her head bobbled against the cement and her face twisted in pain before her eyes shut and she lay still. Anakin glared in the direction of the retreating boy and Kix ran to Ahsoka's side with Obi-Wan following behind.

Kix propped Ahsoka's head against his arm as Anakin joined him. Her helmet had been split where she hit the ground. Anakin looked at where she had fallen, finding a sharp piece of metal jutting out of the ground. It looked like it had been left when an old rail had been removed.

The helmet had saved Ahsoka's life. If she hadn't been wearing it, the metal would've penetrated her head.

Kix unclipped the helmet from her head and pulled it off. The side of her head was cut and bleeding, trickling onto her hair, but it wasn't bad. Her helmet had protected her.

Obi-Wan handed Kix a tissue that he had pulled out of nowhere and Kix started applying pressure to the cut. Ahsoka's eyes opened a minute later and she looked at the three men through squinted eyes.

"First of all," she mumbled. "Someone turn the lights down. Second of all, stop looking at me like that, I'm not a baby. Third of all, who are you two?" Ahsoka gestured sloppily to Anakin and Obi-Wan. Every word she spoke became clearer and more fluent.

"Oh no, here we go again," Anakin sighed. "I'm Anakin Skywalker."

"Again?" Ahsoka inquired.

"Yeah, I found you two weeks ago in an alleyway and you didn't remember anything," Anakin groaned. "And now we're starting over."

"Classify anything," Ahsoka instructed.

"You didn't know who you were, who Kix was, where you lived. You only knew basic knowledge," Anakin explained.

"Okay, so you found me in the alleyway two weeks ago," Ahsoka said. "And I was just there."

"You were unconscious and nearly dead," Anakin winced internally at the thought.

"No one else was there?"

"Well, three kids left right before I saw you," Anakin shrugged. "No one else."

Kix gave Ahsoka a quizzical look.

"Don't say anything," Ahsoka pointed at him, successfully pushing herself to her feet. "I don't want to hear it."


"Nope, subject flip, who are you?" Ahsoka looked at Obi-Wan.

"I am Obi-Wan, Anakin's brother."

"Cool. Nice meeting you. I'm out, bye peeps!" Ahsoka skated to the bench, pulled off her skates, slipped on her shoes, and started towards the street.

"Where are you going?"

"To Greenland!" She tossed over her shoulder. "I'm going home, scientists."

The three men caught up to her.

"Well, I'm headed in that direction. I'll go with you," Kix announced. "You know, the boys have all been worried. You should drop by, let them know you have your memory back and you're okay."

"I know that you're going to make me stay and do some kind of test, Kix," Ahsoka snorted. "No thanks, I'm going home and sleeping for a month."

Well, it turned out that Ahsoka did end up at the Fett house, looking quite unamused. Kix had, after all, sort of dragged her there.

Anakin had never been to the Fett household, neither had Obi-Wan. Anakin didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't what happened.

Six boys attacked Ahsoka with hugs. She laughed as they tackled her all at once. Finally, they relented.

"Gosh, I'm okay," Ahsoka pushed them away.

"You were scared of us for two weeks!" One of the boys argued.

"Yeah, I had a good reason. Have you felt your hugs?" Ahsoka fired back.

"Hah, I'm glad you're back," a different boy said. "No one was willing to throw water balloons at Echo and Cody while they slept with Hardcase me!"

"Oh brother, Fives," the first boy who spoke face palmed. "Can you please lose your memory again, 'Soka?"

"I'm good," Ahsoka shook her head.

"So, who are you?" another boy, one who looked around Anakin's age, gestured to Anakin and Obi-Wan.

"I'm Anakin and this is my brother, Obi-Wan. We were the ones who housed Ahsoka for those two weeks."

"Ah, I see. Thanks," the boy said. "I'm Rex."

"Nice to meet you," Obi-Wan shook hands with Rex.

"You should come by for dinner," Rex suggested. "I'm sure Cody wouldn't mind."

Anakin looked over at Ahsoka, who seemed to be enjoying fellowship with the Fetts. She punched one in the shoulder. Anakin wouldn't mind coming over for dinner.

Sure enough, a week later Anakin and Obi-Wan ended up at the Fett's for dinner. Ahsoka was there, too. She was much different than she had been when she stayed with him and Obi-Wan.

Anakin was glad Ahsoka was back to normal.

And he was glad that he had been able to help.


Word Count: 1,129

Published: Feb. 12, 2022

Bleh! I don't like the ending. It's rather cruddy. 

Well, okAy. I need ta try again. 

I am currently watching The Mandalorian and... whoah! Mando just went flying off his speeder bike. Bonus ice cream (dairy free if you need it) to anyone who can guess which episode it is!

Also, Cad Bane's new name is the Despicable Blueberry because I said so and no one can tell me otherwise. 

Aww, Grogu's so cute!

Requests are open. Feel free to message me or comment. 

Bye, peoples!

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