C to the K

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Guys, we reached 1k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Anyways, here's a long-awaited story. There will be part two. I would've published this part yesterday but my Wattpad wasn't working. 

Read on if you dare. 

Caleb Dume was overwhelmed by stress.

He sat in a dark, tight corner, crying from his overflowing stress. None of the other younglings in his clan knew he was there. They were all happily enjoying a period of free time to do as they pleased.

It didn't please Caleb to do this. He was quite miserable, he just wanted it to stop. If a genie (like one that could grant wishes in the stories he'd heard) popped before him and provided him with a single wish, Caleb would've wished for his stress to dissipate and never return.

But, of course, genies only existed in fantasy stories.

The rivers of tears streamed down more rapidly by the second. They dripped off his jawline and gathered in puddles, absorbed by his robes.

"Um... excuse me?" a small, high-pitched voice asked.

Caleb's breath hitched. His head snapped up and he stared at the Togruta girl that stood next to him.

"What's wrong?" she tilted her head, her blue, innocent eyes boring into him.

"N-nothing," Caleb stammered.

"Liar," Togruta elbowed him. "Tell me the truth."

"I-I'm okay. I don't w-want to t-take up your time," Caleb scooted further back into the dark corner.

Togruta only climbed in next to him, making herself comfortable in the space he freed up.

"I'm not in a hurry," Togruta shrugged.

Caleb remained silent. For a long moment, he just stared at her, observing her features as well as he could in the darkness.

Caleb could've sworn he'd seen her before. Maybe during a lesson... there weren't a lot of Togrutas in the Jedi Temple, so it wouldn't be so unlikely.

"I'm Ahsoka Tano," Togruta said without looking at him.

Oh, Ahsoka! Yes, he knew about her. She was the one who held her lightsaber backwards. How come he hadn't recognized her? Well, she was about as tall as him. Caleb thought she would've been taller.

He remembered her from a sparring lesson his clan had with an older clan. Ahsoka was only about three years older than him, but she was in a more advanced clan. The other masters told him it was because Ahsoka was extra talented.

"You're Caleb Dume, right?" Ahsoka kept looking at the wall in front of her.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Caleb asked.

"I saw you at one of the lessons..." Ahsoka began.

Was this true? Ahsoka remembered him from one of the lessons? Nerdy ol' Caleb? Ahsoka was admired amongst those in his clan, especially the girls who wanted to be just like her. And admirable Ahsoka remembered him out of all the younglings?

"...you were the one who kept asking all those questions during the lecture," Ahsoka finished.

Of course. Caleb was infamous for asking "too many" questions. Caleb sulked. Admirable Ahsoka thought he was nerdy, just like the rest of them did.

"I thought they were good questions. I wanted to know some of them myself," Ahsoka continued.

Caleb gaped at her. Admirable Ahsoka didn't think he was a nerd? Okay, maybe that was going a little far, but when she looked at him, he could detect no disgust in her eyes. She didn't hate him!

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