A Little Celebrity

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

It's been what... a week? More than that? 

Dearest apologies and deepest regrets. 

Okay, but seriously, I have literally-- hold up, lemme count-- uh, six drafts that I'm still pounding at. So yeah, I'm pretty busy. The point is, don't worry, I've not forgotten you. 

So, you might wanna have some background. I recently read the story "Almost a Jedi" and found out a lot about how some younglings-- a certain one at that-- view Ahsoka. I also know nothing about Tholothians. 

Sorry, I've jabbered over this A/N for way too long. 

Read on if you dare. 

"I think it will really help you," Barriss insisted.

Ahsoka bit her lip, ignoring the stinging as her fangs dug into the skin, and shuffled on her feet a little.

"Ahsoka, I know you've felt down since your last mission," Barriss set a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder. "And if I know you any more than that, it'll make you feel so much better."

Ahsoka sighed. "Barriss, I failed. It was my turn to take the younglings to get their kyber crystals, and instead of being all protective and helpful, they had to come save me! I was kidnapped and knocked out twice."

"Things don't always go as planned," Barriss spoke very carefully. "You of all people should know that."

"Exactly," Ahsoka groaned. "I haven't failed just that time. I've failed so many times before. People are going to start thinking I'm some kind of ditzy bimbo if I keep up this streak. They'll think I'm some kind of girl with impossible dreams to achieve."

"Oh, stop it!" chided Barriss. "I could smack you right now for saying that. So many of the younglings look up to you."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Ahsoka crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well come on," Barriss tugged on her arm.

"Okay," Ahsoka sighed and let her arms drop. She smiled slightly, "Spending time with the younglings always makes me feel better."

Barriss beamed, leading the way to the youngling wing.

* * *

"Padawan Tano," Master Nino addressed said Togruta, "two of the girls from youngling quarters 32 are not present. Could you go check in with them? They could just be tarty."

"Yes, Master," Ahsoka bowed, shared a small smile with Barriss, and sauntered off to find the quarters.

Ahsoka found her way to the correct hallway and walked along it, looking for the correct number. They added up to room 32. Ahsoka stopped there, knocking on the door.

"Come in," a small and oddly voice called from the quarters.

Ahsoka palmed the door open. It swished open, revealing a small room with six cots. One little Rodian girl sat on the edge of one of the cots. Ahsoka's throat tightened at the recognition of the Rodian girl.

"Ahso– I mean, Padawan Tano?" the little girl gasped.

"Yes, Ganodi," Ahsoka replied. She glanced around the room and noticed sever not horribly drawn posters of herself.

"You're not angry, are you?" Ganodi breathed. "About the art?"

"No, not at all," Ahsoka said. "I just... didn't know I was so popular."

"We all admire you," Ganodi said softly. "Katooni drew three of them. The rest of us just did one or helped with one."

Ahsoka frowned to herself. These girls thought so highly of her, but she surely wasn't everything they thought she was.

A soft groan came from the cot Ganodi previously sat on. Ahsoka wanted to smack herself for not noticing the Tholothian girl herself.

"Katooni?" Ahsoka gasped.


"Yes, it's me. Are you not feeling well?" Ahsoka moved to feel Katooni's forehead. She retracted it again from how hot it was.

"No," Ganodi answered for her friend. "We were supposed to go to lessons today, but she was burning up and I stayed back with her."

"I was sent to check up on you two since neither of you showed up," Ahsoka explained. "Why didn't you check into the Hall of Healing?"

Ganodi looked down in some emotion in between shame and embarrassment. "I-I don't know. I thought I might be able to break the fever," she looked up again, "and I honestly don't think she could walk. She's delusional or something."

Katooni coughed thickly.

"Okay, well we're going right down to the Halls of Healing," Ahsoka knelt next to Katooni. "Ganodi, help me get her onto my back."

Ganodi helped shift Katooni onto Ahsoka's back. Katooni groaned.

"Hang in there, Katooni, we're going to get you all taken care of," Ahsoka assured her.

*         *         *

"I told–"

"Yeah, yeah, you told me so," Ahsoka sighed heavily, but she wore a smile.

Barriss smiled back. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Ahsoka."

"Me, too," Ahsoka said. "Look, there's Anakin."

Ahsoka ran to catch up with her master and Barriss followed closely behind.

"Master," Ahsoka tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Snips. How was your day?" Anakin smiled warmly.

"It was fun," Ahsoka answered. "Master, I'm not going to be back to our quarters in time for dinner. Eat without me."

"Where are you running off to?" Anakin caught her arm before she left.

"To the Halls of Healing," Ahsoka smiled, shaking her arm free and already shuffling in the direction. "I have a little visit to pay someone, maybe a thank you to give."

No, Ahsoka couldn't possibly be everything the younglings thought her to be, but knowing that they at least looked up to her meant so much


Word Count: 948

Published: Apr. 1, 2022

Yeah, I know like, nothing about Tholothians. 

I'm also not entirely impressed with this. I was expecting something different. Meh. I'm not willing to break it down and rewrite it. 

Bye, peoples!

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