Obi-Wan... lives?

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I know I said something about a request, but this isn't it, sorry! 

Anyway, your long-awaited update has finally come. Yay! This is something fun today to make up for the sad chapter I just wrote. 

Read on if you dare.

She heard it from Ezra: Obi-Wan was alive and living on Tatooine. At first, she didn't know what to think. Should she question him? Should she doubt him? Should she meditate about it?

Then, once she got over her momentary shock, she packed up her things and high-tailed it onto a raggedy old spaceship, and frantically plugged the coordinates into the Nava computer. The stars around her smeared into streaks of white and blue. Then she took a few deep breaths and sat in the middle of the cock pit to meditate, willing the hyperspace jump to pass quickly.


Obi-Wan couldn't believe his eyes. Actually, he didn't. He rubbed them and blinked several times, cursing the heat and endless sands of Tattooine for tricking his eyes and mind.

But the more he looked, the more true it seemed. He closed his eyes and reached out with the Force, sensing for another signature: something to prove that his old mind was still sane.

And the Force did just that.

Obi-Wan felt his eyes welling up with tears. He raced outside, nearly tripping over himself in his own excitement, and spread his arms.

There, walking towards him, was a young Togruta woman. But her eyes— that smile– those lekku– it was all the same as the teenager he knew. All her.

The woman dashed to him. She dropped her bag but she didn't stop to pick it up. She ran to his outspread arms and thudded into him, tangling her arms around him. Her lekku had grown longer and she'd matured quite a bit, but she was still the same height with those same eyes and that same, brilliant presence.

And it brought tears out of his eyes.

Obi-Wan leaned his head between her broad montrals and let the tears stream down his face. He didn't care that the water ran down her head, too, and she didn't care, either.

Ahsoka Tano was alive and Obi-Wan Kenobi was alive and they were alive together: united again at last. Obi-Wan tightened his grip around her, still in disbelief. His life had been falling apart since the Great Jedi Purge. How come something so wonderful had happened to him now? And if something truly wonderful happened to him, he was afraid that if he let her go, she'd disappear. That she'd become another horrible trick his eyes played on him.

Ahsoka buried herself into his chest and he felt wetness on his robes. She was crying, too.

It took a long time for either of them to become willing to let the other go. When they did, tears dampened their cheeks, soaked Obi-Wan's robes, and ran down Ahsoka's lekku.

"I didn't know you were still alive," Ahsoka said, her voice airy and wavering.

"I didn't know you were alive, either," Obi-Wan said.

"Why didn't you come looking for me, Obi-Wan? I looked for you and for any surviving Jedi. Why haven't you looked for me?" Ahsoka sounded a little hurt, but not angry. Just curious for his explanation.

"I was afraid. Oh, Ahsoka, I've been a coward," Obi-Wan admitted. "But I also have an objective here on Tattoine. I can't leave for too long."

Ahsoka gave him a quizzical, suspicious look. Yes, she must've sensed Luke, but didn't know who or what he was.

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