Like An Animal | Febuwhump Day 3

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I wrote half of this yesterday and then I got distracted. I swear that I am one of the most easily distracted human beings that I've ever met. Aside from one of my friends. That child, I swear--

Anywayyyy, day three prompt is muzzled, so yeah. I'm going to try to get caught up today while I have still downtime. I won't get a weekend for like three weeks after today, boohoo. 

Read on if you dare. 

"Commander Tano? Commander, wake up."

Ahsoka groaned at the distant-sounding voice and the vague prodding at her shoulders.

"Come on, kid, come back to me."

Ahsoka's eyes fluttered open and she blinked against the dim lights. She could feel the cold, damp stone beneath her and realized how badly her head hurt. When her sense of smell returned to her, Ahsoka choked on the stench of mold and all sorts of other nasty scents.

"Yeah, I know. It smells like a bantha's butt hole in here, just try to breathe, okay?"

Ahsoka furrowed her brow and tried to prop herself up. "Cody..."

"No, stay down, kid. You got hit in the head pretty hard and I don't want you passing out on me again," Cody said, pushing her back against the cold ground.



"How do you know what a bantha's butt hole smells like?"

Cody chuckled. "Glad you're feeling okay, kid."

"Where are we anyway? Do you know?" Ahsoka asked. "And do you know how long we've been out?"

"Other than a Seppie prison, I've got no clue. And all I know is that you were out for a few more minutes than I was," Cody said. "But I'm pretty sure we were the only ones who were captured."

"That's good news," Ahsoka said. "Help will be here soon then, right?"

"Should be," Cody said.

Ahsoka shut her eyes to feel for Anakin or Obi-Wan. They weren't anywhere near, which was both good news and bad news at the same time. They weren't captured and being held like she and Cody were, but that also meant the rescue party wasn't close to finding them yet.

"Stay with me kid, don't go to sleep," Cody said.

"Relax, I'm just feeling for Anakin and Master Kenobi," Ahsoka assured him, opening her eyes. "Can I sit up now? I think I'm awake enough."

"Sure." Cody helped Ahsoka sit up with her back against the wall and Ahsoka flinched at the feeling of the cold wetness against her back. "You hurtin' too much?"

"No, just gross. I hope our party comes soon or I might throw up," Ahsoka said. "This is really nasty."

"And you puking your guts up will be even nastier, so how about you keep all that intact, yeah?" Cody said.

Ahsoka laughed. "Okay, fine."

A wave of pain passed through Ahsoka and she crumped her face.

"Keep your guts inside of you, please," Cody said.

"I'm fine," Ahsoka breathed. "Not sick."

"Well, that's good because–"

"Shh," Ahsoka hissed "I hear something." Her eyes darted around the prison cell as she listened intensively. She could hear distant thudding– the falling of someone's feet against the ground. "Someone's coming."

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