Couldn't Stay Away

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

This is what I would imagine happening if Ahsoka decided to go to Padmé and Anakin after she left the order. 

Soooo yeah. I'm watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars with some peoples right now and I just saw Barriss Offee get electrocuted. Fun stuff. 

Read on if you dare. 

"The Jedi Order is your life. You can't just throw it away like this. Ahsoka, you are making a mistake," Anakin insisted.

"Maybe, but I have to sort this out on my own. Without the Council-" Ahsoka turned away sadly. "-and without you."

"I understand. More than you realize, I understand wanting to walk away from the Order," Anakin admitted.

"I know."

Anakin's eyes shot up. He didn't have time to wonder what she meant. He watched her walk away, head low. Even after she was gone, Anakin stared to the distance in the direction that she left.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan set his hand on Anakin's shoulder. "The Council wants to speak to you."

"Tell them I don't want to speak to them," Anakin said bitterly.


"Obi-Wan, they just chased my padawan away! I don't want to talk to them!" Anakin snapped. He turned his head to see the hurt expression on Obi-Wan's face. Anakin softened- Obi-Wan was grieving, too.

"Anakin, listen," Obi-Wan pleaded. "They're giving you a leave. They want to work out an appropriate amount of time. They need your input on how many rotations."

"Fine," Anakin muttered, starting towards the council room. "But I don't want to hear anything else from them."

Anakin and Obi-Wan walked to the council room in silence.

"Enter, Skywalker," Yoda instructed when they arrived. Anakin walked to the middle of the room and Obi-Wan took his seat.

Anakin didn't know how Obi-Wan managed to get him a leave, but he was grateful. The details didn't take long to sort out. Before he knew it, Anakin was grabbing a robe and jumping on a speeder to head to Padmé's.

Pulling up to her apartment, Anakin wanted nothing more than to collapse on her couch and cry all night with her brushing her fingers through his hair like Ahsoka used to do. Anakin opened the door and tumbled inside.

"Padmé," Anakin called. "I'm home and I have news."

"I think I already heard it," Padmé replied from the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Anakin furrowed his brow, walking towards his lovely wife's angelic voice.

"Hey, Master!" Ahsoka popped her head out from behind a counter.

Anakin yelped and took a few steps back. "Ahsoka, what are you- am I seeing things?"

Padmé laughed from beside him. "No, she's here, Ani. After she left, she came to me. She'll be staying with us for a good while."

"So you do know?" Anakin shot his padawan a look.

"Know what?" Ahsoka asked, setting a large bowl and whisk on the counter.

"When I told you that I understood-"

"Ohhh," Ahsoka breathed. "Yeah, you're not very good a keeping secrets, Master."

"Thanks," Anakin scoffed.

"You're welcome," Ahsoka smirked. "Now can you please get out of my way? I'm kinda trying to help cook you food here."

Anakin chuckled and stepped out of her way. "I'm going to go take a shower," he called behind him as he left the kitchen. He didn't have much else to do- Ahsoka had ruined his plans twice that day. Twice.

Okay, he'd be lying if he wasn't glad she did. At least the second time.

After Anakin's shower, the food was ready. He sat down at the table with his two favorite girls in the entire universe to enjoy a meal. It was full of laughter and happiness.

When they finished eating, they all helped with cleaning up. Then they sat snuggled on the couch to watch a holo-film.

"You just couldn't stay away, could you?" Anakin whispered in her montrals once it had finished.

"No," Ahsoka sighed, half-sadly. After a pause, she continued, "Could you do something for me, Mas- Anakin?"

"Anything, Snips."

"Could you te-" her voice cracked and she swallowed hard. "-tell Rex and the boys that I said goodbye? And that I'm sorry?"

"You can tell them yourself," Anakin squeezed her shoulder.

"I- I can't," Ahsoka tried desperately to hold back tears, letting out a shuddering breath. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It's okay, Ahsoka. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You're free now," Anakin assured her.

"I'm free," Ahsoka let out a watery laugh and showed him a teary smile. "I'm free now."

Anakin wrapped his arms around her and allowed her to bury her head in his chest. He kept her there until she stopped sniffling.

"I'll tell them," he whispered. Anakin pulled away from her, finding her asleep.

Padmé looked at him to which he nodded. They stood up, Ahsoka in Anakin's arms, and took her to the guest room. They put her to bed and were soon putting themselves to bed.

As they lay side-by-side, Anakin let out a long sigh. "I'm surprised she didn't break down and let it all out."

"She did," Padmé said simply.


"As soon as she got here we had a nice, long cry session. It ended shortly before you got here," Padmé sighed. "That poor girl has been through way too much these past few days. I don't know how she does it."

"She's very brave and very strong," Anakin agreed. "She deserves a break."

Padmé hummed and rolled over to sleep.

"She's free now."


Word Count: 987

Published: Feb. 6, 2022

There you go! 

Ahsoka just got slammed in a wall in this episode I'm watching. Ouch. 

If you have requests, feel free to PM or DM (whatever you wanna call it) or just comment down below! 

Oh, and for your record, "peoples" is a real word. It is the people of places everywhere. Just some random fact for you for no particular reason. 

Bye, peoples!

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