Not Okay | Febuwhump Day 7

669 18 20

*Kicks door open loudly again*

Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I'm laaaattteeee again buuuuuuuut I got these super cool and super obnoxiously ugly sunglasses from the dollar store. Now I've got my swag on 😎😎

Okaaaay but getting back to the whole reason you all are ~actually~ here, this is the third part to "Like an Animal" and "Pretty Little Pet" and was requested by I_am_Snips and foreverfanfic2020. YAAAAYY MY TAGS WORK!!!!!!!

Read on if you dare. 

"Kix, are you–"

"Yes, sir," Kix sighed heavily. "For the seventh time, I'm sure that the Commander will be okay. She'll wake up soon, I promise, but she's tired. Let her rest, and you should get some rest, too."

The heart monitor beeped a few times in a moment of silence and the other machines hooked up to unconscious Ahsoka hummed as they worked.

"I can't rest. Not until she wakes up," Anakin said. He'd been sitting there watching over his padawan since they'd gotten back to the Resolute. He acted like he was guarding her life. Well, that was Kix's job, since Ahsoka was in his med bay.

"Then I'll sedate you," Kix said stubbornly. Two could play the stubbornness game. "You're in my med bay, so you can do one of three things. You can do what I say, you get punished, or you leave and still get punished. Understood, sir?"

It was Anakin's turn to sigh. "Got it, Kix. I'll go. Just take care of Ahsoka, okay?"

"Of course, General," Kix said.

Anakin pushed himself up from the chair and made his way to his quarters. He didn't feel much like sleeping, and now that he was away from Ahsoka, he could feel his anger bubbling up inside of him.

That kriffing fat scum of the galaxy hurt Ahsoka, and she could've died, all because he wanted to play some scientist games with her! Anakin's hand clenched tightly at his side. He could see the door to his quarters approaching, but he passed it. He had a new destination in mind.

The fat scum was being held in the detention block.

Anakin was going to visit him.


Anakin deactivated his lightsaber, breathing hard as adrenaline and anger coursed through him. It felt good– too good– to have one less living thing to worry about on the ship. Especially since Anakin was the one who ensured that this living thing would be an issue no more.

A living thing, a non-living thing, whatever the term was.

"I'll clean up after you, General?" asked the clone in front of the cell.

"That'd be great, thank you," Anakin said, still tense. "I kept it pretty clean."

"Laser swards come in handy right then, I'd assume," the trooper said with a chuckle. "No blood or gore to deal with."

"Very convenient," Anakin agreed. He relaxed a little with talking to the trooper. This man was a good man. Someone he could trust and who only wanted good for the galaxy.

"Oh, and no worries, General. I won't report this. 'Would'a done it myself if I'd been allowed to," the clone said.

Anakin grunted. After what that fat scum of the galaxy did to Ahsoka, he deserved every single thing that Anakin did to him in return. What goes around comes around, Anakin decided with a triumphant hum.

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon