Orange Hot Pain | Febuwhump Day 12

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

*Heavy sigh* I was going to write one of my requests for this one, but NOPE. I ended up scratching that and doing this garbage instead because I hated the other one with a passion. 

Also, super random, but this is part 111. I dunno what it means but I thought it looked cool :)

Read on if you dare

Fire blazed around Ahsoka, the orange flames blocking the path to her escape and producing dark puffs of smoke. She coughed as she turned circles in an attempt to find a new route to safety.

One small flame broke apart momentarily and Ahsoka took the moment to leap through and run on. Her head spun from the smoke as it filled her lungs again and again. But she couldn't stop. She had to keep going.

There could be more survivors in this fire, more innocent people to save. She'd gotten several out already, but she wasn't fast enough and the building was caving in quickly.

Ahsoka covered her mouth and nose as she ran– more like staggered– along. She couldn't draw in enough air with the fabric over her face but she couldn't breathe with the smoke hanging in the air.

A shout came from the other side of a burning wall, a child crying for anyone to hear him. Ahsoka immediately darted around the flames and burst into the other room. She found the child ducking away from the fire behind a smoking chair. She rushed to him and scooped him up, smothering his mouth and nose with her fabric so he could breathe.

The room instantly started swimming, but Ahsoka ignored it. She hurried towards the closest exit she could find, narrowly missing a part of the ceiling as it fell in.

"Ahsoka! Where are you?" Anakin's voice called through her com.

"Coming... master," Ahsoka panted.

"Get out of there fast," Anakin said. "The whole thing's comin' down."

Ahsoka didn't know if she gave him a response before she heard a crack, the sound of splintering wood, and a pillar of wood came crashing down on top of her. A scream ripped from her chest as the wood charred her skin and she hardly shoved the child away on time. Glass shattered and rained down on both of them and the child burst into tears.

Glass... that meant a window, which meant an escape route!

"Window," Ahsoka gasped. "Jump... out the... window, kid."

"I'm scared!"

"They'll... catch... you," she promised. "Jump!"

The kid hesitated, so Ahsoka beckoned to the Force and used her remaining strength to warn Anakin about the child and then push said kid out the window. She felt Anakin's swelling panic through their Bond.

Ahsoka's com beeped and Ankain's voice crackled through again. He asked again and again in a frantic frenzy if she was okay and told her to get out. She tried to open her mouth a speak, but all that came out was a crackled cough. The nauseating pain and the heat pounded over her, closing out her vision from the edges and swallowing her whole.

Orange hot pain.

"Ahsoka, Ahsoka answer me! Are you okay? Ahsoka! Can you hear me–?!"


"Hello? Ahsoka? Can you hear me?"

Ahsoka ripped her eyes open and shot upright. She had to make sure the kid was safe, she had to get up, she had to get out, she had to–!

"Whoah, whoah, easy there, Snips. Everything is fine. You're safe now," Anakin said, his burly hand pushing her back down.

A wave of nausea and vertigo washed over her from the sudden movement and she groaned as she laid down, but she tried to fight up again nonetheless. She looked left to right. Orange.

The color flooded her vision and filled the room. She had to get out! She'd burn alive!

"Hey, hey," Anakin said, his voice anchoring her. "It's okay Ahsoka. You're not in the fire anymore. You're safe."

Ahsoka squinted up at him. She blinked a few times and watched as her vision cleared from orange to pale yellow and then from yellow to clear.

"See, you're good."

No fire. And anyway, there was no more heat, and in place of her pain was numbness. Ahsoka could feel the cool sheets of the bed beneath her, bandages wrapping her almost everywhere, and the effects of pain meds wearing off just a bit.

Alright, the med-bay, then. But it wasn't any med bay she'd been in before. Okay, maybe a civilian hospital, if it was that bad?

She took a few more deep breaths and focused on her surroundings. The beeping heart monitor. The low hum of other appliances. The warm, vibrant presence of Anakin. The sharp scent of cleaning supplies.

Anakin touched Ahsoka's shoulder and she looked up to see him holding a glass of water. After he helped her into a sitting position, she took it gratefully and drank until her throat didn't feel so much like sandpaper.

"Better, Snips?" Anakin asked. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah," Ahsoka said, looking up at him. He looked tired. "Are you okay, Anakin?"

"Yep," Anakin said.

"Actually," A new voice said, and a red-skinned man came around the corner. "your master has been in a full-blown panic for all the time you've been out. He hasn't left your room for anything."

"Seriously, Master?"

"You died like twice!" Anakin argued. "I almost lost you, Ahsoka. I can't lose you."

Ahsoka nodded slowly. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Anakin said. "You were just doing what you knew was right."

"How bad?" Ahsoka asked, turning to the doctor.

"Nine broken rips, a sprained ankle, some nerve damage, a broken arm, and a concussion," the doctor said.

"Lovely," Ahsoka groaned. "How long until I'm back on the field?"

"I can't be certain. When you get back to Coruscant, I bet some of your whole space wizard magic will whip you back into shape in no time," the doctor said.

Ahsoka turned back to Anakin. "And what about that kid? Is he okay?"

"He's fine, thanks to you," Anakin replied. "Oh, and that reminds me. There are a few people here to see you."

The doctor walked over to the door, opened it, said something to the nurse, and then winked at Ahsoka before walking out. A few moments of confusion passed before the door opened again and a steady stream of people came flowing in. Some had bandages and scars and burns, and some didn't. Amongst them was none other than the kid Ahsoka remembered pulling out of the fire.

"They're all here to thank you," Anakin said. "You saved them, or their family members, Ahsoka. You're a hero now."

A hero.

Ahsoka couldn't stop smiling. 


Word Count: 1,059

Published: March 2, 2023

Hey, national TentyFunnyBunnies-Doesn't-Get-A-Weekend month is over! Yay! Maybe I can update more... WAIT A MINUTE HOLY KRIFF IT'S MARCH ALREADY????

But also I got longer days of stuff to do now because 'tiS tHe sEaSoN, you know? 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have an idea. 

Bye, peoples!

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