Just a Nobody Turning Eighteen

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I was supposed to write and publish this five days ago, but I was too busy being more burnt out than I've ever been in my life and overly stressed about how much I had to do. I tried to make an announcement but I messed that up so many times I think I ended up accidentally deleting it so yayyy, fun. 

But anyway let's pretend it's the 14th and it's still Ahsoka's birthday. So yayyy, happy birthday Ahsoka, and happy valentines day to all who celebrate. And if you're a single pringle like me, let's have our own party.

Depresso espresso is the mood.

Read on if you dare. 

It was a day.

A day in the week.

Of a week in a year.

Of a year in a decade.

Of a decade in a century.

Of a century in a millennium.

It was made of 24 hours, like any other day.

That was the same as 1,440 minutes.

And 86,400 seconds.

But it wasn't like all the other days.

Because most days, Ahsoka Tano didn't have to watch her life fall into pieces before her eyes.

And most days, Ahsoka Tano didn't have to turn eighteen.

"Y-you're firing me?" Ahsoka stuttered, blinking back desperate tears that threatened to gush from her eyes, pent up from all the grief of recent events.

"Yes, Ashla," sighed her manager with an almost bored eyeroll. "I thought you could speak basic. Am I incorrect?"

Ahsoka chose to ignore the comment. "Am I allowed to know why?"

"I found someone else to fill the position," her manager said. "She's prettier than you. She doesn't look so... sickly. She's not all pale and we can't see her ribs through her shirt. And she's a lot more willing to accept male attention."

Ahsoka bit her lip so hard the metallic warmth of blood flooded around her teeth. She turned away and headed for the door, pretending like she wasn't trembling so hard. She'd gotten the job not too long ago, and had done everything to keep it despite the horrendous conditions and treatment.

And how was she repaid? Getting fired. So someone who was prettier could take her place. "Pretty" and "grabbable" were never printed in the requirements section of the job description, but she supposed she should've assumed they were crucial for a waitress job in a low-life, outer rim planet.

This left her with two options: find a new job or find a new planet.

Wait, no, only one option. Fuel for her ship was too expensive.

So she needed to find a new job.

Ahsoka squeezed her eyes shut and took a steadying breath, trying to prepare herself to face the dingy city.

So she faced it. But it wouldn't face her. Everyone turned their backs on her, shop owners and possible employers slammed their doors in her face. The only ones who didn't turn their backs were the creepy, stingy men on the sides of the street, who flashed her sick grins and licked their filthy licks and give her looks that made her want to throw up or be swallowed by the ground or maybe even fall over dead on the spot.

"I'm not accepting some dumb girl."

"You don't even look like you know how to turn a datapad on. How would you know mechanics?"

"Kids these days, always wanting their lives handed to them on a silver platter. Get lost, dummy."

After every potential employer shut her out, and the light was draining from the sky, Ahsoka dragged herself back to her little house, which was barely bigger than a box, and about as sturdy and waterproof.

She shut the door, making all the walls shake, and the scent of rotting mold slapped her in the face. She dropped her robe in a pile on the floor and went to count the money she hid in a panel on the wall.

Only enough credits to last her a week.

And Ahsoka tano sank to the floor, dissolving into tears. Every emotion that had pooled up inside of her since Order 66 finally burst free.

It was Ahsoka Tano's 18th birthday.

But instead of ripping open presents, her life was ripping to pieces.

Instead of partying, she was sobbing.

And instead of being with the ones she loved she was alone.

In a moldy box.

In an outer rim planet.

And she was nobody.


Word Count: 627

SO I've been working on another novel. And I need help. I need a beta reader or two, to look at the first few thousand words of my WIP and tell me if it makes any sense. Because I know what's happening, so it makes sense to me, and all my available friends also know what's happening. So if you're willing to do poor me a favor, message me for more details on how it's gonna work :)

Requests are still not open, as I am a sad little chicken nugget drowning in a sea of stuff to do. 

Hasta luego, peoples!

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