Give me a Leg and Hold My Hand | Part 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I found this request on my list in between a bunch of already completed requests, so it's pretty far from the first part, and I'm probably going to wait a week or so and move it closer to the first part. Sorry for the long wait! 

This was requested by I_Am_Snips.

Read on if you dare.

Things did get better– ever so slowly– for Ahsoka. She anxiously awaited her discharge from the Halls of Healing, everyday unsuccessfully attempting to persuade the healers to let her go early. She was learning to walk with Anakin just fine (they could do that in their quarters) and she was completing all her studies quickly and efficiently, so she couldn't understand why they wouldn't allow her to leave.

But the healers were steadfast and insistent that she stay, much to Ahsoka's displeasure.

Anakin's leave had ended before she was released, which meant he and the boys were gone for missions (thankfully short ones, courtesy of Obi-Wan's influence on the council) some days. Obi-Wan also had things to do and a senator like Padme almost never had time to spare. She didn't blame them, not really, but she was dreadfully lonely and bored to tears all day.

It went so far as to Ahsoka asking to be sent the lessons from her classes early, just so she could have something to do. That's the horrifying extent of the boredom. On the bright side, at least she'd be ahead in her lessons so she wouldn't have to stress about assignments over long campaigns.

Then, one day, they left her prosthetic leg in her quarters. Ahsoka was tapping away at her datapad, thinking she must look rather like Tech with how much she'd been on it, when she spotted it propped up in the corner. She paused her work and glanced around. No one was supposed to be checking in on her for a while still...

Ahsoka smirked. She was feeling extra dare-devilish today: That's what happens to hyper-active, social Togrutas who are normally out fighting battles all day when they're cooped up by themselves in the most boring room imaginable.

Ahsoka shoved her covers off of herself and wiggled to the edge of the bed. She pressed her flesh foot onto the floor, heaved herself upward, and hopped over to the leg, sure she looked quite silly. Snatching up the leg, she somehow managed to stuff her stub of a limb into the leg– with much difficulty.

Determination burning inside her, Ahsoka leaned heavily on the wall and shuffled along for a moment. She'd never done this without Anakin there to catch her if she should fall. But what else was there to do?

Ahsoka reached out her artificial foot and stepped on it, and the next thing she knew she was giving the floor a hug. She froze, hoping no one heard her.

When no one came running, Ahsoka peeled herself from the floor and tried again.


Somehow, days dragged by and no one had come searching for Ahsoka's leg. She kept it tucked under the bed where it wouldn't be seen so she could use it as she pleased.

Anakin was on a longer mission than he had been on lately, so Ahsoka had plenty of time to fill. Her leg, of course, helped a lot. She was feverish, being alone all day, and she'd do anything to stop the inevitable paranoia of isolation creeping up on her.

She went from completing assignments that weren't due for months to hobbling around to meditating to hobbling around and she repeated it over and over again. The days dragged into weeks, then another half week.

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