Nice To Meet You, Thanks For Saving My Life | Part 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This part two was requested by @AhsokaJedi. It took a few days, but here it is!

Read on if you dare. 

"Ouch," Ahsoka hissed, shrinking away from Kix.

"Commander, if I don't put bacta on it, it's only going to get worse," Kix told her apologetically, leaning forward to spread more of the cream on her burned back.

Ahsoka hissed again but forced herself to stay still. She bit her lip, squeezed her eyes shut, and gripped the sheets covering the table so tightly that her fingernails cut through the sheets and skin on her palms.

"There you are, Commander, all done. You did well," Kix praised, knowing how much burns hurt.

Ahsoka nodded, slowly easing her hand off of the sheets. "Am I good to go?"

"Yep. I don't need anything else," Kix glanced down at the sheets as Ahsoka stood and made her way to the door. He plucked them between his fingers and looked at the tiny holes and bloodstains Ahsoka had just created. "Except maybe some new sheets," Kix mumbled under his breath.

Ahsoka chuckled regretfully and turned back to Kix. "Do you want me to help?"

"No, you go get some rest," Kix waved her away.

Ahsoka nodded and scurried out of the room. She wove her way to her speeder, then to the Jedi Temple, then to her quarters and sat cross-legged in the middle of her room. Ahsoka set her commlink in front of her and watched it blankly for a few moments. She checked the time, then turned back to the comm. Excitement and impatiens stirred inside of her.

Finally, the little light flashed and the comm beeped. Ahsoka snatched it up faster than a tooka snatching a mouse and pressed the answer button.

"Ahsoka, how are you?" Padmé's voice crackled through the comm.

"I'm doing fine, thank you. How about yourself?" Ahsoka replied.

"I'm very eager for today. I'm waiting for you outside the Temple," Padmé announced.

"I'll be there in two minutes," Ahsoka promised, cutting the line. She sprang up and sprinted out of the room. Ahsoka was mindful of the other Jedi and walked quickly until no one was looking. Then she ran.

Ahsoka shuffled down the Temple steps and waved to Padmé. Padmé waved back and smiled widely until Ahsoka reached her.

"Ahsoka, it's so good to see you again. I see you're recovering well?" Padmé embraced Ahsoka, being mindful of her back.

"Yeah," Ahsoka agreed to both Padmé's statements. "So, you said you have plans for today?

"Oh, yes," Padmé grinned. "I know of a wonderful clothing store. We'll start by shopping there."

"Shopping?" Ahsoka raised her brow.

"You like shopping, don't you?" Padmé asked, starting in the direction of the said store.

"I don't know," Ahsoka walked alongside Padmé. "I've never really had a chance to try it."

"Really? Well, I'm sure you'll love it," Padmé squeezed Ahsoka's arm.

"Okay, I'll try it," Ahsoka nodded.

And that's exactly what Ahsoka did. And, well, she found that clothes shopping was increasingly boring.

"Oh, and try one this one... and this one..." Padmé piled clothes into Ahsoka's arms. When she paused for longer than usual, Ahsoka turned to beeline to the dressing rooms. "Oh, Ahsoka! Take this one, too!" Padmé called after her.

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