Just Fangirling in the Background

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I swear there is something wrong with me because no matter how much kotlc I binge, my inspiration and creativity still feels so dead. So I appologize that this is not a request, but literally none of them would come out of me. 

That also might be because I'm sick and my brain is oatmeal and I'm dying pretty hard right now. 

Read on if you dare.

"Master, did you see that?!" Caleb squealed for what had to be at least the 3 millionth time. "Did you see her?"

"Yes, Caleb," Depa sighed, dragging a hand down her face. "Skywalker's padawan is quite talented."

"Yeah, but did you see it? She swung her lightsabers and then hit those little droids like POW, BANG!""

"Now did you see something else?" Depa asked.

"What do you mean?"

Depa pointed to the chrono. "See the time?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"It's late," Depa said, chuckling when her padawan's face fell. "You should go to the padawan quarters."

"It's not that late...."

"Then I suppose I'm getting old," Depa hummed, "for I am tired and I'm ready for a full night of rest."

Caleb, thankfully, took the hint. "Yes, Master Billaba."

She chuckled again and bid him goodnight, pivoting to float towards her quarters. Not a moment later, Caleb came thundering up behind her again, tugging on her sleeves.

"Master, master!" He cried, pointing down the hall. "Look, it's her! It's Ahsoka Tano! Oh, she's so, so cool... I want to be as amazing of a padawan as her some day."

Depa watched the young Togruta saunter along on the other end of the hall. "You know, Caleb, I bet she's headed to the padawan quarters right now. All remarkable padawans need their sleep too.

"You think?"

"Of course. How else would she function?"

"No, you think we're in the same quarters?"

"There's always a chance," Depa promised. "You haven't been in there much since you became a padawan, and I doubt she has either. But you're both here now, aren't you?"

"Yeah..." Caleb seemed to contemplate it for a short moment. "I better go look!"

And just like that, Caleb took off down the hallway. Depa counted to sixty before she deemed it safe to hurry to her own quarters chuckling to herself at her padawan's antics along the way. She did enjoy having Caleb as her padawan very much, but the child could be so exhausting.


"Is that....?" the red-skinned boy next to Caleb trailed off, sounding astonished.

Caleb glanced up and his eyes popped so wide it almost hurt. "Ahsoka Tano?!" he whisper-shouted back, grabbing the kid's shoulders and shaking him. "Wallo, that's Ahsoka Tano!"

"So she's the padawan mentor for our lesson?" Wallo asked, shoving Caleb off. "Staaaaang."

"She's legendary," Caleb squealed.

Wallo opened his mouth, but just then, Ahsoka started speaking. All her words came out sounding so naturally wise that Caleb thought his brain might explode. The way she walked, the way she talked, and the way she smiled all displayed once again how amazing she was. He wanted to be like her so badly but didn't know how he ever could.

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