Dream Duty

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

Peoples... I have so many views on this book! And the votes keep pouring in, too, so I just want to start out by saying thank you all so much for all the support! When I first published this book, I only hoped I could get this far, and now I have. Thank you so much!

Okay, now about this chapter... I don't want to spoil anything, so...

Read on if you dare. 

It all started with a lesson on meditation with Master Plo.

When Ahsoka first came to the Temple at her young age, the part of the Force she was strong in was mind and emotion reading. So Master Plo sat down with her and taught her how to use her abilities for the best thing possible.

He taught her how to slip into others' minds and control their dreams.

The idea wasn't to envoke painful dreams or hack into their thoughts. The idea was just to touch the very surface of the mind and ensure it sought out nothing but peace. Then the sleep could be restful.

So that night, Ahsoka sat in the middle of the floor in the dorm of her youngling clan. She touched the minds of her fellow younglings, one at a time, and chose the youngling with the scariest dream to help.

That particular younging exclaimed how great the sleep and dreams had been that night, and Ahsoka smiled to herself. She didn't say anything, though. She kept it a secret that it was her. She liked it that way.

Every night from then on, Ahsoka sat on the floor of her younging quarters, monitoring dreams. Over time, she was able to train herself well enough in the art that she could control all the dreams of everyone in the dorm.

She did it every night, and no one ever knew it was her.


Once Ahsoka became a padawan, she assumed she wouldn't have anyone's dreams to control. How wrong she'd been.

"Echo, you alive?" Fives asked, waving his hand in front of Echo's face. Echo had the darkest circles under his eyes and he looked like he was about to face plant into his breakfast.

"Yeah, sure," Echo said, sluggishly pushing Fives away.

"What's up with you?" Fives asked, and Kix's eyes pinned to Echo, attentive for his response.

"Nightmares. Haven't slept well for a while 'cause of them," Echo said. He rubbed his eyes and sighed.

"If you come on down to the med-bay, I'll knock you out," Kix offered.

"'Knock me out' like, sedate me?" Echo raised his eyebrows. "I'm not sure about that."

"I'll give you some strong pills and exempt you from your duties for today," Kix promised. "No sweat."

Echo sighed.

"If you don't agree to this I'll drag you down there and order you to sleep," Kix threatened.

"Okay, okay," Echo graned, dragging his hands down his face. "I just... don't know if it'll stop the nightmares."

"It's very unlikely you'll wake up," Kix offered.

"That's what I'm afraid of. I'll be trapped in it."

Kix sighed. "As much as I can relate to the nightmares, we can't have you dead on your feet, Echo. You done eating?"


Echo and Kix stood from the table, Echo discarding his tray but Kix left his at the table, and left the mess. Ahsoka stood after them and trailed behind them to the med-bay.

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