Another (un)Happy Landing | Febuwhump Day 17

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

It's Pi Day, peoples, so grab your pie and your Wattpad and sit down and enjoy this story that I happen to sort of maybe just a little bit despise. 

Today's prompt is Silent tears and was requested by I_Am_Snips

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka and Fives broke loose, belting their favorite song at the top of their lungs as it played along on Fives' datapad. Their voices rang in Ahsoka's montrals, but it was well worth it.

Anakin decided to send Ahsoka and Fives on a duo mission, something simple and quick, and transit was the longest part of it. So, crammed together in a tiny ship technically meant for only one passenger, the two solved the issue of their boredom by screaming their favorite songs along with the recordings.

That was until Ahsoka heard the all-too-familiar sound of the console alarms, and she quickly shushed Fives to race over to the console and grab the control. The ship dropped from hyperspace violently and she yanked up to keep it from nose-diving, a futile effort as the steering died out.

"Not again," Fives whined. "Can't we fly once without crashing?"

"Not if Anakin supplies the ship," Ahsoka shouted. "It's either the ship, or his flying, or both!"

Fives groaned loudly. "Wake me up when it's over."

"Fives!" Ahsoka screeched.


"Not helping!" Ahsoka said. "We're going to be fine."

"Yeah, that's why I'm going to lay down and wait for it to be over," Fives said and flopped onto the floor.

Ahsoka would've screamed at him again if the ship hadn't hit a planet's atmosphere and her head hadn't slammed into the controls, effectively whacking the world away.


Ahsoka awoke to being pinned underneath the seat she'd just been sitting in, still strapped to it. She struggled to unbuckle herself and wiggle her way out of the seat.

The sun was like a punch to the face as she crawled into the light. She called out for Fives and found him a good 10 meters from where the ship crashed, lying on his front with his face tilted just from the ground. She kicked him gently enough not to cause any damage and he groaned, swatting aimlessly at her foot.

"Five more minutes..."

"Fives!" Ahsoka screeched, her voice cracking and dry. "Get the kriff off the ground!"

"Wha— oh!" Fives said, opening his eyes and remembering what happened. "Where are we?"

"I don't know," Ahsoka sighed, "but I can't see any town, so we better get walking."


The sun beat down on Fives and Ahsoka as they trudged across the dry, shaggy ground. They'd been walking for what felt like ages, but they both knew it couldn't have been more than hours.

Both of them tried again and again to get their coms to work, but nothing was going through but static. A few times they thought they heard a crackle of the voice, but they must've been too hot and tired because it always turned out to be nothing.

The sun eventually set, taking the heat with it. Ahsoka found relief only for a while, for the temperature quickly plummeted and she found herself shivering and walking along.

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