Take a Day

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This was requested by I_Am_Snips. I kinda gave up halfway through it and didn't know how to end it, so it's a liiiitle short-- sorrryy.

Read on if you dare.

"Ahsoka, come on, you have to get up," Anakin called from the kitchen, tapping his foot against the floor impatiently. He'd been up for a while already, and he'd showered and made her breakfast. Not even the smell of bacon had drawn her out. "Hey, let's go! You've got classes this morning!"

Still, there came no reply, so Anakin sighed and shuffled over to her room. He'd been spending the past few nights with Padmé and had warned Ahsoka not to stay up too late. The fact that he was up and back before she'd gotten up told him that she hadn't listened.

"Ahsoka, get out of bed," Anakin said, storming into her room. With an evil grin, Anakin snatched the blanket from her mattress and yanked it off, exposing Ahsoka to the cold. She hardly groaned and didn't move, simply shaking a bit more than she should've, face buried in the pillow.

"Ahsoka, I know it's early, but– Ahsoka? Are you okay?"

She hadn't stopped shaking. Anakin set his fingertips on her arm only to recoil sharply. "Since when did you become a stove?! You're like a thousand degrees!"

Ahsoka groaned again and attempted to lift her head from the pillow. "S-sorry," she chattered out. She blinked sluggishly and looked at the time, then flinched and tried to roll out of bed.

"Ah-ah-ah, where do you think you're going?" Anakin said, easing her back down to the mattress. "I'm calling your teachers today and you're going to stay here."

"B-but I have an exa-am," Ahsoka shuddered. "C-can't miss it."

"We'll figure something out. I bet you'd pass out if you stood up right now, Ahsoka. You aren't going anywhere."

Ahsoka sank back into the mattress and only shook. Anakin didn't know if she'd fallen asleep or if she was just too tired to continue arguing.

Anakin hurried out of the room to find her some cold medicine and contact her teachers.


It was harder than Anakin had anticipated to reschedule Ahsoka's exam, but he managed it in the end. He also managed to find some cold medicine and ask Obi-Wan to make some soup and bring some tea.

Obi-Wan came almost scarily quickly with a soup that was easy on the stomach and the best tea with lemon drops. Anakin took a mug and a bowl into Ahsoka's room and set them on her bedside table.

"Hey, Ahsoka, can you sit up for me?" Anakin said softly.

"No," Ahsoka said into her pillow.

"Come on, Ahsoka, this will make you feel better. If you eat something and take this medicine you'll be set," Anakin promised.

"No," Ahsoka said into her pillow again.

"Please? For me?" Anakin said.


"I don't want to force-feed this to you, but I will," Anakin said."Please don't make me, Ahsoka."


"Fine then, have it your way," Anakin said. He knelt at the edge of the bed and flipped Ahsoka over, pushing his fingers in the side of her cheeks to drag down her jaw. Ahsoka whined and flopped her limbs, but Anakin had no problem pinning her to the bed and shoving broth and medicine down her throat. The worst part was how she almost choked when she started crying and how fat tears dropped from her eyes, dehydration at its finest.

Ahsoka refused to eat or drink anything else and cried herself to sleep under a mountain of blankets.

The next time she woke, she was much closer to herself.

"What time is it?" She groaned, rolling over to face him as he sat in a chair by her bed. "What's happening? Am I dying? Why are you sitting there?"

"Slow down, Snips," Anakin chuckled, checking if her tea was warm enough for her to drink.

"And why does my throat feel like sandpaper and my head feel like it's about to explode?"

"You're sick," Ankain said, offering her the tea and helping her into a sitting position. "Made me shove cold medicine down your throat, but I think you can take more in an hour."

Ahsoka choked on her tea, spewing it back into her mug. "An hour?" she rasped. "Don't you have to wait, like, six before taking more? What time is it? I have an exam today!"

"Hey, calm down, I rescheduled it," Anakin said.

Ahsoka instantly relaxed and let out a big huff of breath. "That scared me."

"I could tell."

Anakin offered her some soup, which she at least attempted to eat. Then she lay back under her mountain of blankets and closed her eyes with a labored sigh.


"Yeah, Snips?"



Word Count: 768

Published: 26 July 2023

Guys, guess what? I'm getting super close to being all caught up on my request list! So the requests that all of you peoples put in last month, I am FINALLY getting to them. (hah, sorry for the long wait, I have ✨ horribletime management skills)

Requests are open (and now I've got them organized) so feel free to make a comment or message me if you have any ideas!

Bye, peoples!

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