Holiday Celebration

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Heyo human beings from outer space! 

Look what I found: 🪐 

Isn't it so cool?!?! I can use it instead of astricts (*) to separate parts!

Anyways, this one is of Ahsoka and our favourite Ghost crew! So exciting!

Read on if you dare. 

"We've gotten another mission," Hera announced, walking into the common room.

"For now?" Sabine's head snapped in the direction of Hera.

"Yup. We're leaving in a few hours after we've debriefed and gathered supplies," Kanan followed Hera in.

Sabine's mouth cracked open and she looked up at Hera with pleading eyes. "Is it really necessary?"

"Yes, it's very urgent," Hera sighed. "I'm sorry, Sabine, I know we promised some time off."

Sabine pulled her legs up to her chest in the chair and rested her chin on her knees. Ezra and Zeb came clambering in, shoving each other roughly as usual. Chopper whirred impatiently at them. Ahsoka stood quietly in the corner.

Kanan and Hera immediately began explaining the mission. Sabine sighed and squeezed her legs closer to her.

"Alright, crew, gather your things and be ready to go," Hera concluded, already headed for the door. Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper scattered. Kanan followed Hera.

Sabine didn't move. She stayed still as a rock on the bench. Nothing changed for a long moment. Then Ahsoka sat down next to Sabine.

"You're going to miss the holiday, aren't you?" Ahsoka said softly.

"You know?" Sabine glanced up at the Jedi. "How do you... oh right. You're a Jedi. You know everything."

Ahsoka laughed. "I know Mandalorian culture because I studied it." Her face relaxed into a mutual expression. "I'm sorry you have to miss the holiday."

"Me, too," Sabine sighed. "I wish the Empire gave us the holidays off."

"You know what?" Ahsoka stood up. "That gave me an idea. Don't worry, Sabine. I'll take care of this matter and you'll get your holiday off."

Sabine looked up curiously at Ahsoka as the Jedi strode out of the room. What could Ahsoka possibly have in mind?

🪐 🪐 🪐

"I still don't know how you pulled this off," Sabine laughed, watching the blue and white streaks out of the window of the ship.

"I talked to Hera," Ahsoka shrugged, smirking. "I can be pretty persuasive when I want to."

Sabine lost some colour in her face. "You didn't use one of those mind tricks on her, did you? I see Kanan do it on Imperials all the time."

Ahsoka's face fell. "No, no, of course not!" she exclaimed. "I just talked her into agreeing to give you the day off and promised that I'd take care of everything else."

"That's relieving," Sabine sighed. She looked up, a bit of fear striking her. "I didn't actually think you'd do something like that... I just wanted to make sure... just being cautious but–"

"No worries, Sabine," Ahsoka promised, waving a hand dismissively with a chuckle.

The console beeped cheerily, signalling their exit of hyperspace. The ship jolted subtly as it dropped out.

Ahsoka steered the ship into the atmosphere of the planet of Mandalore. She landed the ship in a hidden area and began docking procedures. Everything shut off accordingly and Sabine stood up.

"Ready to go?" Ahsoka asked, snatching a grey robe off the back of the pilot's seat and slipping into it.

"So that's it, huh?" Sabine raised her eyebrows. "We're just gonna waltz in and hope no one sees us?"

"The streets are too chaotic for us to be noticed. We'll blend right in," Ahsoka promised, palming the ramp open.

The two of them walked down the ramp and into the streets.

Ahsoka was right. The streets bustled with chaos and excitement. Citizens lined the streets, cheering loudly. Food vendors pushed carts of fragrant meats and vegetables around, shouting their advertisements for their food. Others just hurried along the streets.

Sabine and Ahsoka push their way through the crowds and end up making their way to a back alleyway. They climb up onto a tall building. From there, they can see kilometres down the street in both directions.

A loud speaker amplifies a booming voice that echos around too much for either of them to understand what the speaker is saying.

The crowd erupts into cheers even louder than before. A parade had begun.

Ahsoka and Sabine cheered along with the other endless lines of people. The parade seemed to stretch on forever. It wasn't less than two hours when it finished.

However, this was only the start of the celebration.

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"Thank you so much for today," Sabine said, licking the little piece of candy she'd found forgotten on the side of the road after the parade.

"You're welcome," Ahsoka replied with a satisfied smile. "I myself couldn't have had a better day." 


Word Count: 1,601

Published: Apr. 9, 2022

Awww, fluffy. I dunno how much I can say I like it, I kept getting distracted while I was writing it, but I need to write more with Ahsoka and the Ghost crew. 

So, yes, requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples!

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