Hacking and Coughing

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Soooo I'm back again today because remember how I said I'm sick? Well it just keeps getting worse and I feel so horrible right now that my only option was to project onto Ahsoka and make her sick so I can procrastinate on the things that take a lot more brain power :)

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka couldn't stop coughing.

Her nose wasn't too stuffy and her head didn't hurt, but that annoying tickle in the back of her throat wouldn't go away.

"Are you warmed up?" Master Windu asked, standing at the front of the classroom alongside his former padawan, Depa Billaba.

Ahsoka tried to hold in a cough but it came out anyway, so she smothered it in her robes.

"Ready position," Windu ordered. Synchronized, the younglings assumed the position as ordered. "Billaba and I are going to be calling out positions. Follow as best as you can."

"We'll eventually make a routine, and you'll repeat it a couple of time," Billaba added.

Ahsoka smothered her hacking in her sleeves. It wasn't even nasty sounding, like it usually was when she got sick, so why couldn't it just go away.

"Position one. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven..." Windu called out, first having them run through all the positions as a refresher. "Good," he said after they'd done it a few times, and the younglings relaxed. Ahsoka chocked on the tickle in her throat.

"Okay, ready position," Billaba instructed, and the younglings all prepared themselves as Ahsoka tried to stop coughing into her shoulder. "One. Four. Seven..." She went on and Ahsoka swallowed back wheezes as she tried to concentrate.

With every movement she felt worse and the up and down moves made her head hurt. They finished the routine once and Ahsoka coughed even harder into robes than before. They sounded nastier now, thick and tearing her throat.

"Flush the room, let's do it again," Billaba said. The younglings shuffled to rotate their formation as a whole. Ahsoka ended up in the front corner and she winced. This was exactly what she needed to make her day worse.

"Again. Ready position," Windu said. "One. Four. Seven..."

Ahsoka followed the instructions almost perfectly, but every time she would mess up in the same spot, moving to the third position too early. Again and again they went through the routine and again and again Ahsoka messed up in the same spot, even when she thought about it very hard. Maybe she was thinking too hard and that's why she kept missing it.

"Get a drink," Billaba said. "Then we'll do it from memory."

The younglings scattered to get water. Ahsoka took a sip but its efforts to soothe her throat were in vain and she ended up choking on the water in addition to her cough.

She returned to her place on the floor and lay down, coughing ever growing worse. Her blinks were slow and she couldn't will them to speed up.

Windu rushed the rest of the younglings back onto the floor and painstakingly Ahsoka peeled herself up, even the slow movement making her a little dizzy. The cough tearing through her throat came harshly.

"You good?" Lalu, one of Ahsoka's fellow clan members asked.

"Yeah," Ahsoka said. She was just going to have to be.

They ran through the routine from memory (which ended up as a very unimpressive attempt) and Billaba called it three times more before instructing the younglings to flush the room again.

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