Eat That

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I come bearing a fluffy joy of an update for you, but it is short, so I must apologize: 

Dearest apologies and deepest regrets. 

Now that that is out of the way, please enjoy this update and I will enjoy that I have one less mess of a draft out of my way. 

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka's stomach growled for what felt like the hundredth time in the past 15 minutes. She groaned, finally ready to give in. Ahsoka powered down her datapad and tossed down her pencil, standing from the desk and abandoning her homework.

The sounds of silverware clinking against glass came from the galley kitchen of the quarters she shared with Anakin. Ahsoka entered, sparing a glance at the plateful of food Anakin munched away at.


A sort of vegetable piled over his plate, drenched in a sort of sauce and sprinkled with cheese and even other vegetables. How could he eat that?

Ahsoka passed by, hiding her disgust, and began preparing her own meal. She added various types of meat to her plate, the most nutritious kinds the temple provided, and made to join Anakin at the table.

Avoiding looking at Anakin's meal, Ahsoka began eating her own plate of food.

"Ugh," Anakin finally spat through a mouthful of... whatever he was eating. "How can you eat that, Snips?"

"Me?" Ahsoka scoffed. "How can you eat that?!"

"This?" Anakin laughed, swallowing. "It's a salad. It keeps me healthy. Plus I put a lot of ranch on it, so it tastes good."

"That's disgusting," Ahsoka replied.

"Look at you. You're eating some kind of... rotten flesh," Anakin gestured to Ahsoka's plate.

"It's meat!" Ahsoka defended. "I'm a carnivore, Anakin, of course, I eat meat."

"But it's raw," Anakin protested.

"It tastes really good like that," Ahsoka responded.

"That's disgusting," Anakin groaned. "You're going to get sick or something.

"No, I'm a carnivore. Raw meat is perfectly fine for me," Ahsoka explained. "But I'll get sick if I eat whatever that nasty green garbage on your plate is."

"Salad, Snips, salad!"

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "How about we just agree to disagree?"

"Deal," Anakin said, and he stuffed a forkful of salad in his mouth.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes again, sighed, and continued eating.  


Word Count: 521

Published: Apr. 2, 2022

I just came to a realization that yesterday was April Fools, and I played no trick on you. Oh well, I don't like getting tricked anyway and I wouldn't want to invoke displeasure upon any of my readers. 

Speaking of readers, I am literally 3 reads away from having 700 READS! Holy moons, thanks so much guys! 

Okay, requests are open, feel free to make a comment or send me a message. 

Bye, peoples!

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