Who Did This To You? | Part 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This is part two, requested by @AhsokaJedi and @Obi-Wan-Kendaddy. 

Ugh, why do my tags never work?!

Anyways, I don't think there are any trigger warnings, so,

Read on if you dare.

Anakin let out a frustrated sigh as he stormed back to his and Ahsoka's quarters. He'd been unable to find the culprit of Ahsoka's injuries and fear. Anakin had spent hours viewing security camera footage and examining the archives' information. He still didn't find what he was looking for.

Upon arriving at his quarters, he palmed the door open, stumbled inside and slumped tiredly onto the couch next to Obi-Wan.

"So, how'd it go?" Obi-Wan asked, sounding almost mischievous.

"No luck," Anakin mumbled.

Now Obi-Wan sounded almost sarcastic. "They didn't have the special bacta cream?"

Oh, Kriff, the cover story.

"No one was there to help me," Anakin stammered. "I didn't know where to look and they normally bring it to the front for me."

"It took an awfully long time to find bacta cream, and there's always someone at the front," Obi-Wan noted. "Are you sure you–"

"This isn't about me. It's about Ahsoka," Anakin interrupted. "How is she?"

"She's asleep, and I've made sure nothing but peace touches her mind," Obi-Wan assured him. "Now, are you going to take over so I can get a bit of sleep tonight, or are you going to deprive me of not only the truth but sleep as well."

"I'm going to deprive you of sleep," Anakin mumbled, his face sinking into the couch cushion. "I need my sleep first."

"Why do I even try?" Obi-Wan grumbled and rolled his eyes, but Anakin was already asleep.


"I hate giving reports," Ahsoka murmured, stopping in front of the High Council Chambers.

"Don't worry, it'll be over before you know it," Anakin said, "and I'll be right there if you need anything."

"Yeah," Ahsoka breathed, straightening as the door slid open. She stalked to the middle of the circle and bowed respectfully. All the Council Members were present either in person or in holographic form except for Master Yoda, Masta Bilaba, and Master Ti.

Everything started out normally and smoothly. Ahsoka recalled the details of her mission at a steady speed.

Then her voice began shaking and she blanched as she drew out the events. She explained how she'd gone down an alleyway where a bunch of scruffy, drunken gang members camped out (as she'd been required to do). Out of nowhere, one of the gang members attacked her from behind.

He ended up unconscious on the ground.

More of the gang angrily tried to avenge the fallen member. With their brute strength, they held Ahsoka still long enough to begin injecting a glowing, blue substance into her neck. Ahsoka kicked them away before they finished. Her head began pounding and her vision blurred, but she managed to free herself after a sloppy fight.

Terrified and hurting, Ahsoka had run back to the Jedi Temple. Mind clouded from whatever drug entered her system and still traumatized from the encounter, Ahsoka hadn't gone to the healers or let Anakin touch her. She dressed her own injuries and went to bed.

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