I Think I'd Have a Heart Attack | Febuwhump Day 8

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Heyo, human beings from outer space. 

I'm literally going to cry right now because my favorite sport is officially out of season. And also I'm super duper behind on this. Buuuut I get a sort-of-not-really weekend, so yee. 



Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka hadn't had a heart attack before, hadn't even seen it happen, but somehow she knew exactly what it was when it happened.

She'd been walking down the halls of the Resolute alongside Anakin, and he'd been jabbering on and on about their next mission.

We just got back from the last mission, Ahsoka had thought to herself. Her mind raced about everything that had happened and feared everything that would happen on the next mission. Then the thought of all the (unstarted) projects that were due during the time of their next mission dawned on her.

Ahsoka knew she would have to turn everything in before they left, but she'd been either too busy or too lazy to do any of it.

"Snips, you okay?" Anakin's voice broke through her thoughts.

Ahsoka shook herself from the haze in her mind and saw that she'd fallen back several meters from Anakin.

"Yeah," Ahsoka breathed, adding a nod in case Anakin couldn't hear her.

"You sure?"


Ahsoka caught up to Anakin and they resumed their journey down the hallway, Anakin starting up with his jabbering and Ahsoka's thoughts resuming their racing. Every one of Anakin's words slammed down on her shoulders and knotted in her chest. Their weight built up and up and up and up.

With each step, Ahsoka felt heavier and it grew harder for her to breathe. Her fingers dug into her skin at her collarbone as a desperate attempt to diminish the pain in her chest and relieve her airways.

Her knees shook horribly and her legs felt incredibly weak. Ahsoka leaned heavily against the wall, unable to continue.

"Anakin," Ahsoka choked out. "Anakin."

Anakin stopped talking and turned around to see Ahsoka sagging against the wall. "What's wrong, Ahsoka? Talk to me."

Ahsoka tried to say something, but a sharp pain sliced its way through her chest and she cried out in pain, unable to get out much more sound.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin leaped forward to grab her shoulders. "Ahsoka, what's going on?"

Ahsoka sank to the floor and curled into herself. "H-heart attack," she forced out. "I'm having a heart attack!" Ahsoka cried out again as another sharp pain cut through her and this time, tears managed to spring from her eyes.

Anakin started shouting for a medic, yelling at anyone and everyone in earshot to help. He eased Ahsoka into a sitting position against the wall with her knees bent toward her chest.

"It's okay, Ahsoka, calm down. Breathe," Anaking urged, supporting her shoulders.

Ahsoka felt more of the blinding pain and she gasped between her wild sobs. She thought her mind might explode from the thoughts cramming inside and she was sure someone was trying to rip out her heart. "I don't wanna die! I-I still have–" she choked on a sob. "I need to help in the war!"

"Don't think about that right now, 'Soka. Just focus on breathing," Anakin encouraged, squeezing her shoulder. "Here, take my hand and breathe with me."

"I'm dying," Ahsoka went on. "I haven't done enough yet! I-I still have so much I have to do. I wanted to be a knight. I don't want to die, Anakin! I haven't done enough!"

"You're not going to die," Anakin said sternly, offering her his hand. She took it and squeezed it surprisingly hard, "and you're doing plenty. Just breathe for now, okay?"

"Clear a path, boys, medic coming through!" Kix's voice shouted over the commotion in the hallway. The troopers instantly split so Kix could get through easily. Kix raced over to Ahsoka's side and skidded to a stop on his knees next to her. "What's going on? I heard something about a heart attack."

"I'm h-having a heart attack," Ahsoka choked out, a fresh wave of tears running down her face. She tightened her grip on Anakin's hand and he winced.

Kix started poking around at Ahsoka, checking her heart rate every few seconds. Ahsoka watched him through her tear-filled eyes, wincing at every touch and tightening her grip on Anakin's hand steadily.

But then Kix sat back a bit and clicked his med kit shut.

"What are you doing?!" Anakin shouted, and he sounded so distant. "Why aren't you helping her?"

"It's not a heart attack, sir," Kix said, and before Anakin could ask, he said, "It's a panic attack."

Ahsoka felt like passing out.

"Hey, Commander," Kix said, taking her hand. "Take deep breaths, okay? I'm going to squeeze your hand, you squeeze back. And you breathe when you squeeze, okay?"

Ahsoka followed his instructions, trying desperately just to breathe.

Slowly, the air thinned enough for her to suck it in and pushed it out evenly enough. And Ahsoka felt like she'd been hit with a speeder. She felt herself slowly leaning over to Anakin's shoulder as her eyes drifted shut.


When Ahsoka woke in the morning, she found that Anakin has excused her from all her assignments, and he'd arranged an entire week of meditative retreat for the both of them.

There was never a master better than Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Decided. And there never would be. Never.


Word Count: 857

Published: February 16, 2023

I had a really good idea, but it kinda went poopy because I lost inspiration. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have an idea. 

Bye, peoples!

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