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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (6)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (6)
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  "The barbed wire reinforcement is detected, and the reward is that the defense effect is increased by a hundred times!"

  After the reward fell, Han Qingxia watched in surprise as the entire line of barbed wire he had just reinforced became thicker, denser and sharper to the naked eye.

  Every blade on the Okinawa blade she bought shone with a cold light, and the tiny thorns were much longer!

  What was originally a relatively thin wire door has now been upgraded to a steel lifting door!

  She walked up to the net and pushed hard, but it didn't move at all!

  You must know that when she just reinforced it, she found that these barbed wire fences can effectively block people from entering, but it will definitely not work if someone drives in or there is a large influx of zombies.

  And now, even if thousands of zombies attack together, they can't tear her barbed wire apart!

  Han Qingxia was very satisfied.

  She couldn't wait to buy other things to continue strengthening.

  But now she was reminded of something more important.


  "Woof woof!"

  She was hungry, and Xia Tian was circling around her, looking like she was extremely hungry.

  "You must be hungry too."

  "Woof!" Xia Tian whined twice.

  The two of them only had something to eat yesterday and had been busy all day, and they hadn't even started purchasing supplies yet!

  At this moment, Han Qingxia thought that there was still some food in her space.

  She was thinking about clearing out the dumplings in the house yesterday, and as soon as she thought about it, a pack of hot soup dumplings appeared in her hand.

  Still hot?

  Han Qingxia couldn't help but put out the refrigerator at this time.

  After opening the refrigerator, she was surprised to find.

  Sure enough, even if there is no electricity inside, it is still ice!

  "Even if there is no electricity, it will still remain the same!"

  This means that the space awarded to her by the system is a sealed space with no heat loss!

  What it looks like when you put it in is what it looks like when you take it out!

  Han Qingxia was overjoyed. This also meant that she could stock up on unlimited supplies without worrying about expiration!

  When you stock up on food later, feel free to stock up boldly!


  "The rent here is three hundred a month, and you have to pay one deposit!"

  An empty house in the suburbs.

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