Chapter 220: Spring of the Spirit Eye

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After the female disciple went to fetch the spiritual beast, Han Li waited quietly at the welcoming platform, occasionally glancing around at the various formations.

Except for the mountain peak where Han Li stood, the rest of the Ling Beast Mountain was divided into habitats for different spiritual beasts by colorful formations of various sizes.

Each area sealed by formations was a place for nurturing a specific spiritual beast. Besides the rotating disciples from the Qilin Pavilion, others were not allowed to enter. This was to prevent outsiders from disturbing the spiritual beasts or being harmed by untamed ones.

Thus, although the Ling Beast Mountain appeared quiet, it was home to nearly a thousand different spiritual beasts, which was quite impressive!

The female disciple didn't keep Han Li waiting long. After the time it took to have a meal, she emerged from a certain formation holding a fist-sized small beast and approached Han Li.

"This is the Double-Pupil Rat. Renting it requires one low-grade spirit stone per day." The female disciple gently stroked the small beast's fur and said respectfully to Han Li.

"Alright, here are three spirit stones. I'll take it for three days." Han Li replied calmly to the girl.

"After three days, Senior Uncle just needs to release the Double-Pupil Rat, and it will return to the Qilin Pavilion on its own. During this time, I hope Senior Uncle can treat this beast kindly. This bag contains its favorite earth pear fruits. Senior Uncle can feed it a few when he has time." The girl accepted the spirit stones, handed the spiritual beast to Han Li, and then took out a small white bag, saying to Han Li.

Han Li nodded slightly and calmly accepted it.

Then, under the girl's respectful gaze, he flew away on his flying tool.

Han Li flew northwest in the sky.

As Han Li flew, he couldn't help but glance at the obedient Double-Pupil Rat in his arms from time to time.

At first glance, this yellow small beast looked like an ordinary rat. It had the same small size, yellow fur, and long tail as an ordinary rat.

The only difference was the pair of eyes on its face, which were completely different from those of an ordinary rat. Despite this subtle difference, it made the beast extremely adorable!

Especially with the faint five-colored lights flashing in its eyes, it looked even more mysterious and extraordinary.

Even someone as indifferent as Han Li couldn't help but caress it a few times when he saw how cute the creature was, and he even entertained the thought of raising one himself!

However, Han Li was also aware that despite its current docility, this small beast was actually a genuine first-grade intermediate-level demonic beast.

In addition to its magical pair of eyes, it also had steel teeth capable of chewing copper and iron, as well as claws that could pierce through metal and stone. It was not as harmless as it appeared!

Thinking of this, Han Li played with the little beast's ears for a while. After seeing its interesting reaction, he couldn't help but chuckle, as if the childlike innocence buried deep in his heart had surged up again.

With the small beast in his arms, Han Li flew continuously for a day before finally stopping at the outermost edge of the Taiyue Mountain Range in the northwest.

If he continued north for more than a hundred miles, he would enter the territory of the Yuanwu Kingdom, where the Tianxing Sect, a major sect of cultivation, was located. There was also a market established there, which was in a subtle confrontation with the market of the Yellow Maple Valley.

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