Chapter 246: Dong Xuan'er

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To the surprise of Li Huayuan and his wife, Sister Hong Fu, the senior martial sister, examined Dong Xuan'er's blush-red arms right then and there in the back room. The result of using the virtue-preserving guardian sand showed that her chastity remained intact, which greatly astonished Han Li's master's wife!

Judging from her facial expressions, Dong Xuan'er didn't seem inexperienced in worldly matters! When the couple pretended to be ignorant and readily agreed to the dual cultivation matter, there was some ambiguity behind their consent. However, they never expected that this woman's reputation was already tarnished, which led to their change of heart for the sake of their reputation.

In the woman's astonishment, Hong Fu explained to her that her disciple chose to practice the top-tier technique "Spring Transformation" for its remarkable anti-aging effects. The alluring appearance was merely a superficial effect brought about by practicing this technique. Therefore, some cultivators proficient in the art of identifying virgins, after seeing Dong Xuan'er a few times, naturally assumed she had lost her virginity, gradually spreading many unfavorable rumors about her.

Of course, this disciple did indeed lack self-respect, entangling herself with some male disciples. However, due to the enchanting effects of the Spring Transformation technique and her special status, no male cultivators surrounded her like moths to a flame, which was quite an unusual sight!

But as more male cultivators gathered around her, Dong Xuan'er began to develop a strange desire for any young man who caught her fancy, even inciting jealousy among these men for her own amusement!

Fortunately, Sister Hong Fu promised that the condition for letting this girl practice the Spring Transformation technique was that she must remain chaste. If her virtue-preserving guardian sand were to disappear, Sister Hong Fu, as her master, would immediately nullify her cultivation, reducing her to a mortal again. This was to prevent Dong Xuan'er, who had acquired some seductive skills due to practicing the Spring Transformation technique, from tarnishing the reputation of the Dong family.

Therefore, under this life-threatening constraint, although Dong Xuan'er often flirted with those male cultivators, she still didn't dare to go too far!

But her good deeds gradually reached the ears of Sister Hong Fu, a Foundation Establishment female cultivator, who was extremely shocked and angry. She severely punished Dong Xuan'er and immediately confined her for a period of time.

However, it was too late. Dong Xuan'er's impure reputation had already spread throughout the entire Huangfeng Valley! Once such a thing spread, it was impossible to explain it clearly. Even Sister Hong Fu, a Foundation Establishment cultivator, was helpless!

At this point, even if those reputation-conscious cultivators knew that Dong Xuan'er was still chaste, they would not risk their reputations to form a dual cultivation partnership with her.

However, due to the nature of the Spring Transformation technique, Dong Xuan'er had reached the stage where she must engage in dual cultivation with others, or else her cultivation would stagnate and even regress.

And those male cultivators who still pursued Dong Xuan'er were not considered satisfactory by Sister Hong Fu, who was concerned about their character and intentions. Thus, the trip to Li Huayuan's cave and the decision to target Han Li.

After hearing all of this, the woman returned to Li Huayuan's side with a very embarrassed expression and recounted the whole story, leaving them both speechless for a while.

Although the couple did misunderstand Dong Xuan'er's innocence, as Sister Hong Fu said, even if she was truly chaste, Li Huayuan was unwilling to let his disciple form a dual cultivation partnership with her due to her tarnished reputation, which would greatly damage his own reputation. Therefore, he couldn't help but feel guilty towards Senior Sister Hong Fu!

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