Chapter 306 Crisis

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"It's rare that Fifth Sister tipped them off, so the person left early, or is there some kind of trap?" The middle-aged woman expressed her worry.

"No, if the other party had set up a trap, they would have activated it when we first entered. At that time, we were completely defenseless." Han Li shook his head, denying.

Upon hearing Han Li's words, the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but they still anxiously looked around for a while, and indeed, nothing unusual happened.

"Elder, what should we do now? Should we retreat first and take action another day?" The Second Elder hesitated.

"Let's go and find Chief Steward Wang first! If he's not there either, we'll cancel today's operation and withdraw immediately." Han Li said coldly.

After hearing Han Li's words, the Mengshan Five Friends exchanged glances and nodded silently.

Han Li released several spells to retract the barrier, then led the way to the other side of the Wang Mansion. The others followed closely behind.

Although Chief Steward Wang's residence was not as luxurious as the young master's attic, it was still a small courtyard occupied by one person.

When Han Li and the others approached, they noticed that one of the rooms was faintly lit, indicating that the occupant hadn't gone to bed yet.

Han Li raised an eyebrow, it seemed that this time wouldn't be in vain.

Thinking this, Han Li made a hand gesture to the others, indicating them to be discreet. He then used a newly learned stealth technique to dissipate his spiritual energy, making him appear like an ordinary mortal.

After that, Han Li flashed and appeared silently against the wall of the lit room, pressing his ear against it.

Because Chief Steward Wang gave Han Li a strange feeling, he refrained from using his spiritual sense to eavesdrop inside, fearing detection.

However, after listening for a short while, Han Li's face changed suddenly, and he flew back immediately, hiding behind a large flower tree.

This scene surprised the Mengshan Five Friends who were watching nearby, but soon they heard Han Li's voice:

"Be careful, the young master is also inside the room. Let's seize the opportunity!"

These words immediately made everyone's heart skip a beat, and they held their breath, carefully watching the door without making any noise.

With a creak, the door opened. A young man dressed in a light green brocade robe stepped out, the young master of the Xing Mansion.

After whispering a few words to someone inside, he walked a few steps into the courtyard, and the door closed automatically.

Shortly after, the light in the room's paper window flashed a few times before completely extinguishing. It seemed that the person inside was going to rest.

Han Li stared expressionlessly at the young man's every move. What puzzled him was that there was no sign of magical power on the young man's body. However, Han Li could sense a faint danger when he appeared, indicating that he was likely a disciple of the Heisha Sect.

Perhaps because he was still in his own mansion, the young master didn't rush back. Instead, he stretched lazily, looked at the moon in the sky, and sighed suddenly.

Then, he began pacing back and forth in the courtyard, with a worried look on his face, as if he had some problem troubling him.

It seemed that he wouldn't leave for a while, much to the frustration of the Mengshan Five Friends!

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